In the dream, not all activities are from God. Some of them are from the devil, and this is why you need to have a good relationship with God to attract good dreams from Him.
The Dangers of Summoning at Evil Altars
The Christian life is full of warfare, and many people are ignorant of this. Satan uses this ignorance to keep you from the plans and promises of God.
The Python Spirit: A Threat to Genuine Christianity
Man was good from the beginning, made a little lower than the angels, but because of the schemes of the serpent, the Python spirit, and his voluntary disobedience, he failed, and all of mankind followed suit.
Avoiding Separation as a Solution: Seeking God’s Will
Similarly, separation may not necessarily be the best solution to the serious conflict you are facing in your marriage right now. is able to instruct you on a path to follow that will lead you to His goodness and mercies. You only have to listen and obey his instructions.
Prayers to Boost your Confidence in Christ
The knowledge of God’s deliverance in the past and His promises should give you the confidence to trust Him in every situation. It is not a sin to expect manna from heaven in our time, when you trust in the ability of God, who you serve. If you have not gotten to your promised land, […]
Key to Unlock Heaven’s Resources
Faith is one of God’s phone number and the key that unlocks the door of heaven’s resources. Faith that believes the word of God without doubting can keep a believer in God’s coverage area all the days of his life. Faith means to believe the word of God. You may not need to ask before […]
Overcoming the Yoke of Oppression
If you don’t say what you are supposed to say, you may die before your time. It is possible that you may die while your parents are still alive.
The Trap of Idolatry: Falling for the Devil’s Deception
Doubting the word of God and taking disobedient actions against God’s word are open doors to idolatry that lead to enmity with God and friendship with the devil.
Finding Purpose in the Job Search
When Jesus came to earth, he did not waste time looking for jobs or doing every other job that was advertised. He went about doing what God had called him to do. The question now is, “What has God called you to do on earth?”
The Word of God
If you choose to disobey God’s word because of oral tradition, the philosophy of men, vain deceits, the world’s rudiments that are not after Christ, the laws of your church, or the dogmas that can spoil you, how will you escape the last divine verdict?