
Dreams: What Happens and How It Can Affect You

Once the devil or his agents involve you in a particular thing in your dreams, consciously or unconsciously, you become a victim, subject to some unknown powers. 

What You Should Know About Your Healing

Many Christians in various churches are dying of various kinds of sickness and diseases today because they fail to meet the conditions for their healing. 

The Fruit of the Womb

The world has never taken too kindly when a couple fails to have their own children a few years after marriage. As a matter of fact, some people begin searching for a baby bump a few months after marriage.

How You Can Be Successful in Your Career

In as much as temptations may come, it is rather expedient that we resist the devil and he will flee. You cannot overcome the devil when you get involved in the affairs of this world.

Virtues in the Journey to Motherhood

More often than not, men barely know past the fact that they’re going to be fathers. It goes beyond that! Every husband has so much to do during his wife’s pregnancy.

A Widow After God’s Heart

God understands how lonely it is as a widow or widower and he knows that all widows face tests and temptations which may vary.

Why Your Business May Not Be Flourishing

Do you know why your businesses have refused to move forward? One day it’s flourishing, the next day you’re living from hand to mouth.

Get Rid of Roadblocks in Your Marriage

We’ve established that marriage comes with it’s own challenges. As a result, the devil does not hesitate to fire shots at your marriage once he gets the chance. One of the most effective arrows that gets at marriages is disobedience to God’s Word. When your character counters God’s Word, you clear the way for devil’s […]

How to Get Your Dream Job

Anything the devil gives; he equally takes back with interest and as such, godly person who wishes to work with unbelievers, proud and violent men must be ready to carry his cross.

Peace the Pieces of Your Marriage!

The problem with so many people today is that they would prefer to run away from their problems often resorting to separation or even divorce rather than face them squarely.