The danger in spiritual kidnapping is that it is easy to go about your business without realizing that you have been taken captive spiritually.
Dealing With the Yoke of Frustration
Curses can limit you and stand as a barrier between you and any good thing that might come your way. It fights against every sign of blessing in its victim’s life.
Dealing With Your Marital Problems
Have you ever wondered why marriage seems so challenging? Marriage requires that your goals, expectations, and aspirations be aligned with those of your partner. Occasionally, every family swims in troubled waters.
3 habits That Can destroy Your Marriage
It is not entirely possible that your partner will not offend you in the course of your marriage, no matter how holy they may be. Is this a reason to seek solace outside your marriage?
A Home for Your Family
Any place can be a house, but a home is what you make it. It is yours, your own property. Most of the time, having your own home may not be number five on your prayer list.
While You Are in the Waiting Room
The Devil has established many ways to help desperate women conceive. While some women consult idols in order to conceive, others follow evil prescriptions to invite demons into their wombs.
College: Is School Really a Scam?
Being uneducated in this sophisticated world can be very costly. It can limit and relegate you to a pit.
College: Catching Them Young
A striking attribute is how they tend to live by the standards and values of their peers, the media, leaders, etc. This has caused so many young people to find themselves in unexpected and unpleasant situations.
Success in Your Academic Pursuit
Some students believe in their academic prowess so much that they refuse to acknowledge that evil powers such as these exist, and as such, they do not bother to pray.
Is God speaking to you?
You stumble into the kitchen while still having sleepy eyes, get a cup of coffee, and sit down. The images slowly come back, passing quickly through your memory in quick succession. It’s as though you were there.