The problem with so many people today is that they would prefer to run away from their problems often resorting to separation or even divorce rather than face them squarely.
College: The Best or the Rest?
Have You Noticed That It Is Those Who Are Privileged, Who Have Almost or Everything They Need to Go to School Are the Ones That Underperform?
Tell the Young People
Being a young person has to be one of the most exhilarating experiences there is, isn’t it? There’s so much to look forward to, so much to do, and so much to enjoy.
Happily Ever After
Nowadays, people go into marriage with an open mind; ready to leave at the slightest provocation. They fail to acknowledge the truth that marriage is an irrevocable commitment.
When Sleep Departs
Many people are running up and down searching for solutions to their problems, while the conditions get worse. Why is it so?
Spare the Rod…
So I was scrolling on Instagram a few weeks ago and I came across a video of 3 cute little girls, I assumed there were friends.
Be ye fruitful!
The rigorous journey from multiple visits to the doctor to assuage your fears of any underlying health condition to relying on drugs and eventually opting for different methods can be nerve-wracking.
Closed Heavens…
Disobedience is often motivated by pride, a sense of accomplishment in oneself and in one’s possessions, among other things, but what happens when you refuse to obey?
What if You’re Dead?
Many people are not aware that this world is filled with evil agents that cause premature deaths. Others do not believe it. Do you know that the earth is filled with more dead people than people alive are?
How Much Do You Need Right Now?
You may be a good Christian but if you do not have a good plan on how to invest your money, God may not answer your prayers no matter how much fasting and prayers you observe.