
How to Fight Your Spiritual Battles

Whatever physical problem you are going through now, I can assure you that sin is more destructive than it. Your weak character and all your acquired bad habits are worse than every physical problem you are going through now.

Do You Know Your Battles?

Are you aware that you have battles to fight? Are you aware of what your battles are? Being a human being comes with its own battles as much as it comes with victories.

Performing Miracles From Evil Altars

There are so many problems in the world today, and so many people are seeking answers. Just as problems abound, so do solutions, and some of these solutions are not from God. A lot of people want solutions, but they don’t want God in their lives. They want change, but not in their character; healing, […]

Fleeing from evil altars

Altars are meeting places between spirit beings and human beings where exchanges occur (gifts or sacrifices) and covenants are entered into. An altar can be built to destroy an individual, a family, a group, or even a whole nation.  An evil altar is a place where evil personalities summon a Christian, an unbeliever, a group […]

3 Enemies of Your Marriage

Some families do not manage their money wisely. They do not have any plan for the money that comes in. As a result, they spend nearly all of it and go as far as borrowing to make up for it.

The Crying Blood of Jesus

Blood was mentioned throughout the scripture. When Abraham was told to sacrifice his son Isaac, he was stopped just before he could sacrifice his son, and Isaac was set free. The blood of a ram was shed instead. The Israelites smeared blood on their doors as God had instructed them. In the temple, a countless […]

Leviathan the Beast: Who Is He?

An emissary is someone who takes charge or represents authority or who they work for. He operates on so many different levels. I’ll tell you about Leviathan now.

Why You Have Not Received Your Healing

Many people spend so much time praying, fasting, and doing everything possible to get their healing when they have refused to end their wickedness.

The Fountain of Life

When you are separated from God as a result of sin, you are eternally dead. You are no longer under God’s protection in your life anymore and the devil can do with you as he pleases. 

The Fruit of the Womb – 2

You must understand that God abhors infertility. It has never been his will for you. He commanded that neither male nor female barrenness exist among His children.