The better life you want to live

After the death of Naboth, the prophet of God confronted Ahab and brought his family under collective captivity of family bondage. And it came to pass, when Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, that Ahab rose up to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it. And the word […]

Praying with The Blood of Jesus

The blood of a covenant child or a person who has a relationship with God or his people cries more than the blood of one with no covenant relationship with God. (Joshua 9:15, 27; 2 Samuel 21:1-2). Abel, as an innocent person with God’s covenant, attracted divine judgment against his brother Cain and made him a fugitive and vagabond. The highest blood cry is the blood of Jesus, and it cries to defend everyone who repents and accepts Christ as their Lord and personal saviour.

What is an Evil Altar?

An evil altar is a place where many evil things are projected into people’s lives, such as infirmities, curses, and failures…

Who is Jezebel Biblically?

Historic Beginnings of Jezebel To begin with, Jezebel was not just any woman; she was a Phoenician princess and the daughter of King Ethbaal in the ninth century BC. Their kingdom, among other gods, worshiped the nature god Baal, which would later become a source of contention within her next kingdom. At the time of […]

The Truth about the Jezebel Spirit

What is a Jezebel spirit? A Jezebel spirit is a demonic spirit that takes up residence in a person and causes them to be motivated by sexual desires. Seductive, unrepentant, and destructive are common characteristics. This spirit, like all other Satanic spirits, enjoys causing havoc, but in an unusual fashion. The term “Jezebel Spirit” is […]

Monitoring Spirits Explained

A Monitoring Spirit can be sent by another demon, a witch, or anyone who knows how to use the spirit world. The spirits are said to keep an eye on what…