It is extremely disturbing for one to be unable to sleep when the mind and body clearly needs rest. You may be under an attack that prevents you from sleeping.

It is extremely disturbing for one to be unable to sleep when the mind and body clearly needs rest. You may be under an attack that prevents you from sleeping.
The Return of Sin After Salvation The powers behind every sin you overcame at salvation may try to return through human weakness and frailty, your neighbors’ bad examples, and sinful people among weak believers. If you pitch your tent near Sodom—spending time with old sinful friends or lingering too long with people in the ‘far […]
The Greatest Defeat of Mankind The worst defeat of mankind is the loss of the divine image, God’s nature, and His likeness, which were planted in man at creation. As a result, man’s understanding was darkened, his heart deceived and made desperately wicked, his mind and conscience defiled, and his will enslaved. Read carefully: (Ephesians […]
Any bad thing that happens in the dream is exactly what the devil intends to do physically in people’s lives. Most of the time, dreams from the devil afflict victims with sickness and darken their visions.
Compromise for Material Gain Many pastors, their members who once stood with God are compromising. Some have compromised in moral standard to get material prosperity and solve immediate pressing needs. Others because of the problems and enemies before them and their determination to win at all cost has compromised. They backslide, won their competitors and […]
Watching; A Command to be obeyed Children of God are known for their obedient and they obey every command. The Importance of Watching Christ in His letter did not ask them to be watchful; He commanded them to be watchful. Watching over our soul is a commandment. He who watch over his soul, God will […]
The effects of abusing the grace of God If you despise or ignore God’s grace, it will not work for you. If you go into sin and live as an unbeliever after receiving the grace of God, you will live under the condemnation of the devil. If you fail to respect the presence of God’s […]
The multiplication of incurable sicknesses, mysterious cases, fibroids, and unnatural growths in our bodies is at an alarming rate. A lot of people have died from illnesses for which the causes weren’t known.
The Blindness of the Shepherds They are happy when they remember how rich they are, how powerful they are in witchcraft but they forget that God is far from them. In their store, bans and accounts are with great storage but God’s presence was lacking. Their leaders, watchmen were blind, ignorant, dumb dogs, sleeping, lying […]
Strange Problems in the Church This Church was self-deluded and self-indulgent. The few contending believers among them were warned to be watchful, and to keep what they have. Christ is sounding the same warning to everyone today. You must be watchful not to be carried away by sinful deceived members in our midst. You must […]