The commandment For the Home!

The very first duty of a wife in a home is submission to the husband as God demands. Absolute submission must be observed without any condition and in the spirit of love. As Scriptures put it: “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord” (Colossians 3:18). “That they may […]

The Widow’s Commitment

While no one can question God for calling any of us to glory, it is very important that a widow or widower commit his or her life in the hands of God. God truly comforts the heart and provides relief. Therefore, it cannot be better elsewhere. It is not possible for one to be committed […]

Yokes Beyond the Physical

When God created the universe, He looked at the universe and attested that the universe He made was good. The world is still good today. However, the problem is that Satan has filled the world God created with all manner of evil. He has filled the world with his yoke and burdens. The existence of […]

When a Believer Decrees

God is a God of decree and those who believe in Him are also given the power to decree and it  comes to pass. All creatures came into existence because God decreed for them. The heavens, angels, sun, moon, stars and light also came into being because of God’s decree. The waters, which are under […]

A Garden to Dress

Millions of people all over the world today are looking for jobs. Most of them are youths, who are sick, tired, and almost confused because of idleness. Christians among them are crying, praying and almost blaming God and people for their predicaments. However, the truth is that God did not create anyone on earth without […]

A promise of Divine Healing

God has promised divine healing to all His children, who are in covenant with Him through the blood of His Son, Jesus. The blood of Jesus brought a divine covering over sickness, disease and satanic attacks. Therefore, no sickness or disease, whether curable or incurable can stand against a child of God, who knows his […]

Owners of Evil Loads

How could Satan appear in the presence of the LORD, and even gained an audience from God? How could God have allowed that? Well, simply, only God knows. But one truth that played out in the above scripture is that Satan and all his demons are the chief sources of all sicknesses, afflictions and attacks […]

Besetting Sin

Besetting sin has destroyed many great people of God, and rendered their lives and ministry impotent.  Presently, many professing believers and ministers have backslid because of besetting sin.  The sin is set upon a person’s life, family, group of families, or a particular nation.  It is a sin placed upon a person to destroy him […]

A Cry for Mercy

When God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, the mercy of God accompanied the anointing. The result was that he went about doing good. His ministry of mercy was healing all that were possessed of the devil. The mercy of God is for all; however, it cannot be forced […]

Monitoring Spirits

Consulting the devil and enquiring from his agents; witch-doctors, divination, enchanting, summoning evil spirits, observing times, practicing witchcrafts, using charms or a necromancy must be avoided if you want true riches, prosperity and peace here on earth. When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn […]