| Page 85 of 104 | Dr. Prayer M. Madueke, Christian Christian Author & Speaker

Reasons for Closed Heaven

When an individual or group of people breaks God’s commandments, their heavens close. God said that when one decides to disobey His Word, his or her heavens will be closed. Refusing to hear God’s Word is the same as being disobedient to Him. Hearing the Word of God and deciding not to do anything equally […]

Receiving Instant Answers to Prayers

One must go through some fundamental Christian experiences in order to get or have the power to pray once and receive answers. We can only need to pray once to our God in order to receive answers. He possesses the power to make it possible for us to achieve anything in life. As the jewel […]

Bondage of Evil Altars

The children of Israel sinned against God, and God delivered them into the hands of their enemies. Thus, the Israelites became their servants. In addition, because of these Midianites, the children of Israel made themselves the dens, which are in the mountains and caves and strongholds. The Israelites saw that the Midianites, Amalekites, and even […]

The Concept of Personal Deliverance

“After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come…. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over […]

The Power of Dangerous Decrees

When Nebuchadnezzar became the king of Babylon, he had a terrible dream in the second year of his reign. His spirit was troubled greatly for he could not tell the meaning of his dream. As a result, sleep departed from him.  Therefore, he summoned all the magicians, astrologers, and sorcerers in his entire Kingdom. In […]

Cry for a Change

Take Hold of the Change you Desire I read a book when I was in primary school many years ago. When I left school, the book in a particular page is still saying the same thing. In that page, the book says: Obi is a boy and Ada is a girl. My question to you […]

Efficacy of the Influence of Evil Decrees

What are Decrees? When we speak of decree, we mean a strong and unshakable utterance, or exercise of power through word and command, which is next to certainty.  A decree can also be in form of an order that has equivalent force of law. It can be defined also as a religious ordinance enacted by […]

The Role of Parents in Their Children’s Lives

In the absence of the Word of God, foolish actions and decisions will continue to rule and reign in the hearts of your children. Parents must inculcate the Word of God in the hearts, souls, and memories of their children.

Restoring Broken Homes

Families are the core of society. Families that break up cause society to experience a social and cultural collapse. When a family disintegrates, the children suffer.

Dealing With Insomnia

Worry, anxiety, and problems can often push us hard, and suddenly peace seems far away. Too many thoughts and emotions are whirling around in the shadows, making it difficult to even think clearly.