Raising a Godly Child

The joy of a well-trained child and his success cannot be overemphasized. Only Jacob could tell how it felt to hear that his love and commitment to Joseph was never a waste.

Witchcraft: Then and Now

I am sure that you have always associated witchcraft with only old, ugly, haggard, and ragged people, as is the common notion. However, this is only a half-truth

Unfaithfulness in Marriage

Many men have secretly impregnated their own daughters, sisters, sister-in-laws, etc. These terrible things take place every day, and nobody seems to be ready for that conversation.

Is Marriage a Covenant?

The beauty of every marriage is unending happiness and togetherness, and if you want this in your marriage, you have to first understand the covenant of marriage before going into it.

When Your Husband Hates You

Many women are on the receiving end of hate in their homes. It just so happens that your husband now appears to despise you as much as he did love you, and you have no idea why.

A Virtuous Woman

Every man wants to end up with a godly wife, but when the show begins, most men begin to search for beauty, accomplishment, personality, glamour, and wealth rather than godly virtues.

Troubled Waters in Your Marriage

Other times, when you give a place to the devil by permitting worldly lifestyles, criticisms, and a lack of love and affection, troubles are bound to rise in your marriage.

Who Is in Charge of All Witchcraft Activities?

The truth is that whatever you acquire through occultism, witchcraft, or by worshipping the devil, you will eventually lose, together with your life and perhaps eternity.

The Sins of the Fathers

If your parents have served idols in the past or practiced witchcraft, divination, and enchantment and belonged to occult groups or witchcraft kingdoms, you need deliverance.

Prayers for When You Can’t Sleep

It is extremely disturbing for one to be unable to sleep when the mind and body clearly needs rest. You may be under an attack that prevents you from sleeping.