Attacks in the dream: What does it mean?

Many people today are afraid to sleep as a result of the hell they pass through in their dreams because the devil has gained access to their lives through dreams and unleashed terror and wickedness.

What Does Divine Provision Mean?

Most likely, when you hear of provision, the first thing that comes to mind is riches, and wealth. However, there are certain things you require in life that essentially become more important than money and wealth.

The Voice of God in Your Life

At home, you can identify the voices of your family members. How is that possible? because you are a member of the family.

God’s Presence in the Workplace

The hunt for a job can make you resort to compromises, and if you do, you may likely face temptations, persecution, trials, and tests that you may not easily overcome.

When Your Enemies Strike

Have you heard stories of people who died or got out of one tragic incident after another? Or perhaps you have experienced such a thing?

The Right Approach to Prayer

When you do not have the knowledge of God’s love, care, and ability to do all things, you will continuously be terrified by life’s troubles.

How to Pray to God

As a believer, you must acknowledge the fact that the moment you come to pray, you are talking to your father. One who knows everything, including all the secret things you may want to hide.

What Happens When You Pray?

Prayer has so much more to offer than just help in times of desperate need or the need to feel spiritual. So then, what happens when you pray?

Do You Have to Be Alone?

God established marriage as a way to maintain purity in the family, community, and even the nation. Contrary to what you might think, God is aware of your vulnerability as a person—after all, he made you!

What Is the Python Spirit?

As a believer, you can be attacked by the devil with or without sin, and if you do nothing in terms of praying and possibly fasting, the devil will illegally stay in your life to torment you.