Do you ever doubt your abilities? Do you ever experience days when the demands placed on you are greater than your personal strength? We have all been there.
Restoring Your Peace of Mind
Is your heart disturbed? Feeling as though the world around you is spinning out of control and interfering with your mental and emotional well-being?
Pursuit of Excellence
Unfortunately, things like indifference, carelessness, and laziness are only a few of the many factors that hinder excellence. Our sinful nature is the aspect of ourselves that is unlike God and, in fact, opposes God and His excellence.
Prayers for epilepsy
Epileptic fits can be embarrassing and dangerous. It can cause you bodily harm and prevent you from living a relatively normal life. You may become withdrawn as a result.
Comfort in a Christian Marriage
A lot of Christian homes lack comfort. Some husbands and wives find it very difficult to comfort themselves. Many have separated or divorced as a result.
Deliver Us From All Evil
Evil is inevitable in the imperfect world we live in. Evil is inevitable in the imperfect world we live in. We should expect it and be prepared to react. The enemy’s most effective strategy is to persuade us that he or his tactics are not real. This couldn’t be further from the truth!
What Is Service in the Workplace?
You should know that God has put you where you are to serve Him and to bring Him glory, whether it is at an office, a classroom, at home, in a mission field, or anywhere else.
Fighting Spiritual Battles
The devil works really hard against Christians, and so as a Christian, spiritual warfare is part of the package. Can you fight this battle and lose it as a believer?
Delays in Marriage
Marriage delays have raised concerns in society because of the pressure they put on young people who are ready to be married, particularly in the lives of women.
Raising a Godly Child
The joy of a well-trained child and his success cannot be overemphasized. Only Jacob could tell how it felt to hear that his love and commitment to Joseph was never a waste.