The Power and Mystery of Divine Utterance

The Mystery of Divine Utterance Through divine utterance, mysteries of life are exposed. It helps you to walk in wisdom, speak in wisdom, start in wisdom and end in wisdom. It was through the divine utterance of prayers that Peter was released from prison. Sometimes, believers that speak with divine utterance, pray with divine utterance […]

The Blessedness of being a Believer

Believers need not act like strangers because their relationship with God through Christ brings them into the covenant of promise. Under this covenant, believers cannot live hopeless lives because they have access to divine mercy. We are surviving in this world with God, and through the shed blood of Christ. Salvation through Christ delivers believers […]

Blessings of Generosity

Overview of Giving According to the apostle Paul, Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).” Jesus is stating that when we give – whether it’s time, energy, service, encouragement, resources, or anything else – we get an even bigger gift than when we give. That seems unusual, even counter-cultural, […]

Securing Financial Blessings

I’ve discovered that more individuals fail to demonstrate faith in securing financial blessings than anything else. That’s because they’re attempting to practice faith but haven’t planted any seeds! They expect God to reward their money despite not having planted anything. Nonetheless, it’s remarkable how He can have pity on them and assist them. The Bible says, “Give, […]

Role of Faith in Financial Blessings

The financial gift is dependent on God’s word. It is conditional. It indicates that if you do the things God wants us to do, He will see that we prosper. It is true that new Christians will be blessed when God guides them to substantial spiritual nourishment. The Lord desires to communicate to you via […]

Need for Spiritual Resurrection for Financial Blessings

If there is no spiritual resurrection, your affection, ambition and quest for fame, money and pleasures remain corrupt. You must be crucified with Christ and die with Him before your ambition for financial miracles, fame and quest for anything on earth would be meaningful. “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, […]

Reasons why God blesses His Children

God has prepared all blessings His children would need. So, if you are not ready to compromise your faith, He can go to any extent to bless you. Every believer belongs to God by creation and by redemption. We also belong to God because He watches over our lives and preserves us all. I do […]

Win Back What’s Yours: A Simple Guide to Reclaiming Stolen Blessings

Feeling trapped or like your blessings are slipping through your fingertips may be frustrating. Sometimes it seems like an unseen force is keeping you back, no matter how hard you pray or strive. This is when understanding and combating what some refer to as “evil altars” comes into play. Don’t worry, we’ll break it down […]

The True Purpose of God’s Blessings

Believers who will truly benefit from God’s blessings are those who pray against the spirit of selfishness and greed. He is looking for people who can use their blessings to bless others even more.