The Spirit of Jezebel in the Church

False Prophets and their Influence There are many false prophetess and prophets that has overcome many pastors, church leaders and their members. They used witchcraft powers to bewitch everyone in the church and they now operate without challenge. Those who dare challenge them are under attack and as a result, they silence everyone and operate […]

The Dangers of Compromising Doctrine in the Church

The Doctrine of Balaam and Its Consequences The daughters of Moab invited them to attend the church, fellowships of compromising preachers, preachers who condone the doctrine of Balaam, worldly dressing and immoral lifestyles. The attendants of churches of occult houses established by the cults in the city increased numerically. They called them unto the sacrifices […]

The Dangers of False Doctrine and Immoral Associations in the Church

The Corruption of Balaam’s Doctrine Despite their faith in Christ, their steadfastness for Christ and contention against the four cults in Pergamos, Christ found out some things wrong in the lives of some members. There were two false doctrines, resulting in evil practices, evil association and unequal yoke held by some people in the church […]

Power of God’s Mercy in Church in the House

The Importance Of House Fellowship Or Home Cell. Ninety percent of church members who attend churches with home-caring fellowships don’t participate in other church meetings, especially house fellowships. They prefer to attend only Sunday service; no weekly Bible study, revival hour, or any other meeting. This makes it very difficult for fellow church members or […]

The Vision of Perseverance Amidst Persecution

The Visionary  ‘…and of all things that he saw’ Beloved Apostle John received the book of Revelation through visions he had during the great persecution of believers. The persecutors had boiled him in a drum of oil but he escaped death miraculously even though he was well advanced in age. Domitian, the Roman Emperor, incarcerated […]

The Church’s Role in Supporting Families with Fertility Issues

Fertility issues may have a profound impact on couples, causing emotional, physical, and spiritual pain. The church’s involvement in supporting these families is not only good, but also necessary, since it provides a network of care based on religion and community. This detailed blog analyzes how the church might successfully extend its assistance, based on […]

The Church’s Role in Healing a World in Crisis

In a society fraught with ongoing problems, such as health pandemics, political turmoil, natural calamities, and profound social divisions, the Church plays a critical role. As religious communities, churches are more than simply places to worship; they are beacons of hope, leading efforts to heal and help people in need through effective Church community outreach. […]

The Church’s Essential Role in Times of Global Uncertainty

In today’s world, when unpredictability seems to be the only constant, the church’s role in crisis is more important than ever. These global problems, whether they be pandemics, economic instability, or social upheaval, have the potential to disrupt the foundations of our life. However, the church remains a light of hope, offering spiritual guidance during […]

The Power of Divine Expectations in Revitalising the Backslidden Church

Even the most lively church groups may lose their sense of direction and vitality. It is fairly unusual for churches to go through times of spiritual decline, in which attendance dips and excitement wanes. However, there is hope for renewal, and it begins with accepting the divine expectations God has set for His church. This […]