The Decree of Faith and It’s Power

Right from the beginning of time, we saw faith in action. God only made declarations, and things came into being. Why was it so? Because God knew that whatever He said would be. That is what is called faith. It is an evidence of saying something and believing it. Believers in the past who obtained […]

The Power of Decrees in the Christian Faith

The Role of John in the New Testament In one of the gospels, John wrote and referred to Jesus as the son of God, son of man, divine actor, great soul winner, great physician, bread of life, water of life, defender of the weak, light of the world, the good shepherd, prince of life, King, […]

Harnessing the Power of Faith: God’s Universal Phone Number

Understanding Faith as a Divine Connection Faith is one of God’s phone numbers and the key that unlocks the door of heaven’s resources. Faith that believes the word of God without doubting can keep a believer in God’s coverage area all the days of his life. Faith means to believe the word of God. You […]

Harnessing the Strength of Faith-Based Declarations

“The importance of spoken words in a Christian’s spiritual journey cannot be emphasized enough. Our faith-based declarations are vehicles of faith that carry out God’s purpose on earth as it is in heaven, not merely words. We’ll look at the scriptural underpinnings of faith-based proclamations, how they affect our lives, and how to use this […]

The Power of Decrees in Spiritual Warfare

“Every believer’s spiritual path is greatly impacted by the power of spoken words, particularly when they take the shape of Biblical decrees. These aren’t simply empty words; they’re declarations with power and trust that have the potential to really alter spiritual realities. This blog article examines, supported by scriptural evidence, how Christians might use decrees […]

Activating God’s Promises Through Decrees and Proclamations

“During their religious journey, Christians often encounter seemingly insurmountable trials and barriers. However, as followers of Christ, we are not helpless in the face of hardship. God has provided us with spiritual weapons and tools to help us conquer every adversity and claim the promises He has made in His Word, including the power of […]

Exploring the Power of God’s Decree in Scripture and Life

“In terms of spiritual knowledge, the notion of God’s decree is very important. God’s decision, founded on divine power, alters the course of history, determines human destiny, and reveals His sovereign will in our lives. As Christians, we must dive deeper into the core of God’s decision, comprehending its power in both Scripture and our […]

Utilizing the Weapon of Faith in Everyday Challenges

“Every day, we confront new obstacles that test our patience, strength, and faith. Whether it’s struggling with job stress, family concerns, health problems, or personal misgivings, the conflicts feel never-ending. However, as Christians, we are not defenseless. We have the tremendous weapon of faith at our disposal—a tool that can not only assist us negotiate […]

The Power of the Decree: How to Speak Authority in the Spiritual Realm

“Understanding the power of a decree is critical for each believer on their spiritual path. A decree is more than just a desire or an optimistic notion; it is a forceful declaration issued with the authority granted to us by God. This notion has profound origins in the Scriptures and has served as a cornerstone […]

The Biblical Foundation of Decrees and Their Impact

“In terms of Christian life, the notion of declaring spiritual decrees stands out as a fundamental biblical precept. A decree is a strong declaration made by a believer that brings God’s promises and intentions into reality, aligned with the authority of believers and manifesting God’s promises. This blog article delves into the scriptural basis for […]