VICTORY AND SUCCESS PRAYERS TO PRAY FOR YOUR DREAMS When you dream of a tree full of ripe fruits, when you dream of a land full of ripe fruits, when you receive a good thing in your dreams. PRAISE AND WORSHIP Begin by singing songs of praise to God, the owner of all life and […]

Faith-based Prayers

It is important to pray every prayer with faith based on the word of God. In order to do this, we should follow the principle of faith and ask for specific things, much like how Blind Bartimaeus approached his prayers. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. […]

Finding Faith in Troubled Times

Endless difficulties have caused immense suffering for many people on Earth. Weakness of heart has also led many to become impatient. Knowing that His disciples were troubled, Jesus encouraged them to have faith in both God and Himself. Without belief in God, it is easy to lose hope and become disheartened. It is important to […]

Key to Unlock Heaven’s Resources

Faith is one of God’s phone number and the key that unlocks the door of heaven’s resources. Faith that believes the word of God without doubting can keep a believer in God’s coverage area all the days of his life. Faith means to believe the word of God. You may not need to ask before […]

Overcoming Sickness and Disease Through Faith

Many people believe more in the strength of their problem and the devil than in God’s ability to heal them. When a child of God cries out to God in faith, no matter the problem, Jesus will respond.

The Voice of Faith

When a person believes something that is in line with God’s word, he should say it. The circumstances at that time may not be favorable, but that does not matter. It is a matter of time before they will all bow. Why? Because man is a superior creature. “And God said, let us make man […]

Faith in Spoken Words

When a person believes something that is in line with the word of God, he should say it. Often times, the circumstances at the time may not be favorable, but that does not matter.

The Power of Spoken Words

You may not be able to carry your properties from place to place. You can also lose valuable investments and all that you have acquired in life. But spoken words of faith and decree are never lost.

The Power of Your Tongue

God only made declarations, and things came into being. Why was it so? Because God knew that whatever He said would be carried out.