Handling Financial Difficulties

The economic impact of the previous COVID-19 pandemic became particularly personal to many families as many companies eliminated many of their staff. Many of you are struggling with job or income loss and the myriad ramifications that come with it, as well as dealing with the worry and stress of an unclear future. To make […]

Role of Faith in Financial Blessings

The financial gift is dependent on God’s word. It is conditional. It indicates that if you do the things God wants us to do, He will see that we prosper. It is true that new Christians will be blessed when God guides them to substantial spiritual nourishment. The Lord desires to communicate to you via […]

Need for Spiritual Resurrection for Financial Blessings

If there is no spiritual resurrection, your affection, ambition and quest for fame, money and pleasures remain corrupt. You must be crucified with Christ and die with Him before your ambition for financial miracles, fame and quest for anything on earth would be meaningful. “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, […]

Preparing for God’s Blessings

Diligent Christians understand the principle and benefits of preparation. Every good cause demands adequate preparation and planning. Trusting God for financial miracles and prosperity are not left out. They also require some preparation. The best way to start is to return to your original estate, which is in Christ Jesus. That is the surest way […]

Reasons why God blesses His Children

God has prepared all blessings His children would need. So, if you are not ready to compromise your faith, He can go to any extent to bless you. Every believer belongs to God by creation and by redemption. We also belong to God because He watches over our lives and preserves us all. I do […]

Overcoming Financial Strongholds Through Fasting and Prayer

“In life, financial difficulties might seem like towering giants, casting lengthy shadows over our serenity and security. However, at the center of these struggles is not just a financial test, but also a spiritual call to arms, beckoning us to engage in spiritual warfare and finances. This essay explores the transformational power of fasting and […]

Breaking Free from Financial Curses: A Biblical Guide to Financial Breakthrough Prayers

Financial difficulty may feel like a thick chain, weighing down even the most optimistic spirits. Despite our best efforts, we sometimes find ourselves locked in a cycle of scarcity and debt, wondering if there’s more to our financial problems than meets the eye. This blog article delves into the spiritual side of financial difficulties, offering […]