Abuse of God’s Grace

What it means to abuse the grace of God If you still live in sin after receiving God’s gift of grace, then you are abusing the grace of God upon your life. No matter where you are, whether in Rome or where Satan’s seat is, once you obtain God’s grace, you are empowered to overcome […]

Understanding Sufficient Grace

What is Sufficient Grace? Sufficient grace is the divine enablement and strength provided by God that is enough to meet all our needs and sustain us through every challenge and weakness. It is the grace that assures us that regardless of our circumstances or limitations that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness and […]

Obtaining the Grace of God

How the grace of God can empower you to please God, live a righteous life, and have a perfect heart. The grace of God empowers us to please Him, live a righteous life, and have a perfect heart by: – Forgiveness and Redemption: Grace removes the guilt and shame of sin, allowing us to approach […]

Handling the Enemies of Divine Grace

Why is God’s grace important? God’s grace is important because it is the unmerited favor and love that He extends to humanity, enabling us to receive salvation and forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ. Grace empowers us to live righteously, transforming our lives and helping us to overcome sin and challenges. It provides the strength […]

Understanding God’s Grace: A Divine Gift

What is Grace? God’s grace means graciousness, favor, kindness, pleasantness, agreeable to or love. It is God’s divine influence and enablement on man. But what does grace truly mean, and to whom is it extended? God extends His grace in His sovereign way and according to His will to whoever He chooses. The Nature of […]

The Nature of God’s Love and Warnings

First Letter God is love. The nature of His love is absolute. As such, it is not in the nature of God to have anyone or people punished or judged without prior notice or warning against impending danger or evil. The primary reason God sent the messages in the book of Revelation to the church […]

Serving God with Your Strength

Using Your Little Strength To Serve  ‘…he had served his own generation by the will of God’ Born-again experience is the best thing that could happen to any Christian while on earth. And when you are born again, God expects that you use everything you have to promote His kingdom here on earth. Believer’s position, […]

The Power of God’s Decrees: Biblical Accounts and Their Implications

God’s Decrees in the Old Testament When a man called Onan displeased God, God decreed his death and he died instantly. By God’s decree the king of Egypt died together with all the men who sought after the life of Moses. When will you start your own decree? God, the heaven, the earth and all […]

Financial Difficulties – Handling Debts

Debt is a habit most Christians have cultivated over time and it has trapped so many. It is indeed a serious concern in our society. Debt is a way of life for most governments and the vast majority of people worldwide, with varying degrees of severity. There are many different perspectives on debt and its […]

Preparing for God’s Blessings

Diligent Christians understand the principle and benefits of preparation. Every good cause demands adequate preparation and planning. Trusting God for financial miracles and prosperity are not left out. They also require some preparation. The best way to start is to return to your original estate, which is in Christ Jesus. That is the surest way […]