
What if You’re Dead?

Many people are not aware that this world is filled with evil agents that cause premature deaths. Others do not believe it. Do you know that the earth is filled with more dead people than people alive are?

How Much Do You Need Right Now?

You may be a good Christian but if you do not have a good plan on how to invest your money, God may not answer your prayers no matter how much fasting and prayers you observe.

Courtship: Do’s and Don’ts

It does seem like the ‘okay’ time to do whatever you want, after all you’re both getting married so why wait?

Can I Really Get a Divorce?

So many husbands and wives cannot sit together to plan for the future of their families. They do not discuss their challenges, share their burdens or pray over them. A state of prayerlessness can ruin any family and cause an end of any marriage.

Lazarus: Dead or Alive?

“Is your Lazarus dead or alive? A lot of things can happen to it; you may kill your Lazarus with your own hand. But how?

Let’s Talk About Your Idols…

You know that thing that you don’t joke with? That which you can always make time for, even at the expense of your day-to-day? That’s your Idol…

Say Goodbye to Evil Habits!

Evil habits are like the plant called “Venus flytrap.” It attracts you with a scent or its seeming harmlessness and once you give in, they clasp you and that’s it, you’re taken hostage! If you continue to indulge these evil habits, it is only a matter of time before you find out that you no longer have control over yourself.

Why You May Not Be Married

Most people desire to marry, and that desire is not unfounded. After all it pleased God to create a place of marriage for two people to share their lives together. However, that is not the only reason God endorsed marriage and that is why there are things you ought to know and be prepared for […]

Excellence: What It Will Cost You

In today’s world where mediocrity is celebrated, living an excellent life might be quite a challenge. As a child of God, living an excellent life is icing on the cake. Circumstances often times may want to hinder your attempt to live an excellent life but it is an achievable goal only if you truly have […]

The Whys of Marriage: What You Need to Know About Your Marriage

Do you know that God has a plan for your marriage? Often times, people jump into marriage without knowing what God has planned for their marriage and what is expected of them in marriage. God has great plans for marriage and it all started with Adam. When God saw that man needed a helpmeet, He […]