The salvation that Jesus gives you means that you are no longer under the powers of your enemies: slavery, physical pain, suffering, infirmities, and death. If you have not received salvation, then you have nothing.
Divine Protection while Asleep
No matter the struggles, a Christian who floods his destiny with the word of God cannot be defeated by the spirit of darkness. This is especially true when you achieve complete success in your aspirations. However, it is true that a lot happens while we sleep, most of which are frequently acted out in our […]
The Influential Power of Jezebel
After the death of Naboth, the prophet of God confronted Ahab and brought his family under collective captivity of family bondage And it came to pass, when Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, that Ahab rose up to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it. And the word […]
Prayers for Strength
All creatures require strength to survive. That is why the Scriptures rightly reveal that God is our only source of strength. However, evil spirits continue to labor tirelessly to deplete your strength.
Victory Over False Prophets
Just as we have genuine prophets of God, so we have false prophets who serve the devil. Many ministers have sold their lives, ministries, and even their members to receive fake powers and the spirit of Jezebel.
Powerful Prayers of Protection for Christmas Season
Time to Unite The Christmas season is a special time to unite with family and loved ones and celebrate the joy and blessings of togetherness, as Christmas is supposed to be. It’s also a time to refresh and strengthen our faith, putting the fundamental purpose of Christmas—the birth of Jesus Christ—at the forefront of our […]
In the Spirit of Christmas
A lot of people leverage on repentance after Christmas to commit all manner of atrocities during the Christmas season. Some people will increase wickedness and all manner of evil before and during Christmas, hoping to repent after the holiday.
What Is a Lifetime Commitment?
Failing to love your wife is the same thing as hating your own body. You may not really realize that you hate yourself or your own body by not loving your wife, but it is true.
Prayers Before an Examination
While it is important to hone your academic skills, as a Christian student, you cannot afford to neglect asking God for a good memory so that you can retain and remember everything you studied during preparation periods.
What Happens After Deliverance
After deliverance, the devil comes to the candidates in subtle ways to make them fall from grace so that they will lose what they gained during the period.