Throughout their religious journey, Christians often face a variety of spiritual problems, including the impact of evil spirits, a key aspect of Spiritual Warfare Tactics. These invisible powers, known for their role in Spiritual Surveillance Signs, attempt to track and impede progress toward completing God’s purpose for a person’s life. Recognizing the indicators of their […]
Victory Over False Prophets
Just as we have genuine prophets of God, so we have false prophets who serve the devil. Many ministers have sold their lives, ministries, and even their members to receive fake powers and the spirit of Jezebel.
What Happens After Deliverance
After deliverance, the devil comes to the candidates in subtle ways to make them fall from grace so that they will lose what they gained during the period.
Dreams: Exploring The Types of Dreams
What are Dreams A dream is a series of thoughts, images, or emotions that occur during sleep, activities observed or enacted in one’s sleep, and impressions left in one’s memory, sometimes remembered upon waking. It is a spiritual monitor of the spirit world and a supernatural way through which God speaks to His people. Dreams, […]
Spiritual Battle for Deliverance
The Spirit of Jezebel Whenever we talk about deliverance from Jezebel, we mean the water spirit, the woman that sits upon the waters and the queen of heaven ‘And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee […]
The Worthy Lamb and His Everlasting Kingdom
The Sealed Scroll and the Worthy Lion John wept because the terrible plagues containing God’s program for sinners on earth was in a scroll, book that was covered. God gave the revelation to show and reveal His plans, purpose and the coming event but now, the sealed book containing unfolded, unrevealed mysteries of last events, […]
John’s Weeping Before the Throne
The Unstoppable Pursuit of Salvation John wept before the one that was bruised for our iniquity, chastised of our peace, given hot stripes for our sickness, the one that everyone turned away from, who carried the iniquity of mankind. He wept before the one that was oppressed, afflicted for our sake, yet He opened not […]
The Revelation of God’s Program and the Worthy One
The Opening of Revelation Chapter 5 The book of Revelation Chapter 5 is a continuation of chapter 4 and it is a critical chapter, a crucial point in the book of Revelation. This chapter is very important, as it is the key to the rest of the book of Revelation. With the church age gone, […]
The Battle for Destiny: Sealing or Unsealing Your Fate
Foundations and Life’s Struggles If you are born or sown where fornication, violence, murder or any character devours people’s life, destiny, you need to search for God’s plan. It is not God’s will for poverty or any problem to devour your life; you are under Satan’s seal. If you are born or you fell on […]
Understanding God’s Plan and Purpose for Life
The Seven-Sealed Book John saw in the right hand of Him that sat on the heavenly throne a book. This was after the rapture because God’s program for the church was shifted to heaven. All the raptured believers now appeared in heaven before this throne and He that sat on it. ‘And I saw in […]