Believer’s Decree God is a God of decree and those who believe in Him are also given the power to decree and it  comes to pass. All creatures came into existence because God decreed for them. The heavens, angels, sun, moon, stars and light also came into being because of God’s decree. The waters, which […]

The Power of Prayer and Faith in God

Power to Serve God The disciples of Jesus Christ were once afraid, but they went to the upper room for prayers and they were baptized in the Holy Ghost. They received power for service. Before the Pentecost day, they were powerless, fearful, and under intimidation. But when they received the power, they became bold and […]

The Power and Importance of Prayer in Christian Life

The Nature and Delight of Prayer Prayer is a cry or supplication to God. It can be defined as the expression of the burden of the heart and soul’s desire to God. It is the act of communicating with God; an instinct that must have utterance. “And the residue thereof he maketh a god, even […]

Utilizing the Power of Intercessory Prayer for Conception

For many couples dealing with infertility, intercessory prayer is a source of hope and a powerful spiritual tool. This blog article delves into the notion of intercessory prayer for pregnancy, outlining how this kind of prayer may touch the lives of people longing for a child, and is backed with pertinent Bible texts to bring […]

The Role of Angels in Assisted Fertility: Biblical Insights and Prayerful Guidance

Many couples find it difficult to cope with infertility. In their search for comfort and answers, many turn to their faith, finding consolation in biblical legends where heavenly messengers and fertility intertwine, showcasing significant angelic intervention in conception. This blog post delves into how these angelic experiences in the Bible offer hope and spiritual lessons […]

Strategies for Praying Over Your Child’s Future

Prayer: The Heart of Christian Parenting As parents, one of the most powerful tools we have is prayer. The Bible frequently emphasizes the role of prayer in influencing not just our lives, but also the lives of our children. Praying for your child’s future is an act of love and trust, allowing God to lead […]

How to Pray Strategically for Fertility: A Guide to Spiritual Power

Prayer may be an effective tool for couples struggling with infertility. This blog discusses how to pray strategically for fertility, using biblical verses for consolation and direction. Couples who engage in purposeful prayer might discover hope and strength in their faith throughout this difficult journey. The Foundation of Strategic Prayer Strategic prayer is about being […]

The Role of Parents as Spiritual Leaders in the Home

Parents play an important role in Christian family life by serving as spiritual leaders in their household. This obligation is more than a decision; it is a divine mandate with long-term consequences for their children and future generations. As spiritual leaders, parents have a unique opportunity to advise, educate, and model godly ideals that provide […]

How to Incorporate Prayer into Your Child’s Daily Routine

The Power of Prayer in Changing Lives In a world full of uncertainties and difficulties, laying a solid spiritual basis for our children is essential. Prayer is a powerful instrument that not only draws us closer to God, but also provides heavenly direction and protection to those who use it. As parents, incorporating prayer in […]

Preparing Spiritually for Parenting: A Guide to Welcoming Your Child with Faith

Becoming a parent is one of life’s most significant adjustments. It involves more than just arranging a space or selecting names; it’s also about preparing your heart and soul for the journey ahead. For those who hold their faith dear, spiritual preparation for parenting is as crucial as physical preparation. This blog post provides comprehensive […]