God’s Curative Medicine

When Jesus was on earth, He healed all manner of affliction. His fame went throughout Syria and people began to bring sick people that were taken with diverse diseases and torments. Even people that were possessed by devil, lunacy and palsy were there and Jesus healed them all. No matter the name that medical people […]

Saying the Right Prayers

It is very bad to know that God is waiting to hear from us and yet we fail to pray. But the truth is that not all prayers get to God and not all prayers are answered by God. So if we put ourselves in situations where our God can readily hear us, we receive […]

Steps to Returning Evil Loads to Their Owners

What is an Evil Load? Simply said, an evil load is a general term that also refers to an awful liability that is impossible for you to remove from your life. Evil loads come from Satan, and they can only be thrown aside by the strength and grace of God. However, evil loads can also […]

The Influential Power of Jezebel

After the death of Naboth, the prophet of God confronted Ahab and brought his family under collective captivity of family bondage And it came to pass, when Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, that Ahab rose up to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it. And the word […]

Reasons To Pray And Fast

No strange fire can last in the life of true children of God, who know and believe what God says about them. We belong to God by creation and by redemption and he watches over us to preserve us. Any circumstance, attitude, curse or utterance contrary to who God said you are can be changed […]

Underestimating The Power of Prayers

Moses went to the mountain and prayed till God gave him a law that will guide him to rule his people. Joshua prayed and the sun and the moon stopped moving for a day. Hannah prayed and God gave her Samuel. Elijah prayed and God confirmed his ministry by fire. Jehoshaphat prayed and his stubborn […]

The Right Approach to Prayer

When you do not have the knowledge of God’s love, care, and ability to do all things, you will continuously be terrified by life’s troubles.

How to Pray to God

As a believer, you must acknowledge the fact that the moment you come to pray, you are talking to your father. One who knows everything, including all the secret things you may want to hide.

What Happens When You Pray?

Prayer has so much more to offer than just help in times of desperate need or the need to feel spiritual. So then, what happens when you pray?

Why Is Prayer Important?

When you sin against God, the devil takes delight in accusing us before God. Therefore, even as a sinner, your prayers can prevent God’s punishment against you.