Monitoring Spirits

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There are monitoring spirits around which monitor people. Perhaps you are wondering how your enemies know your secrets or what you are up to and every move you make, or perhaps you do not understand how the enemy knows that you are at the edge of a breakthrough and he comes and truncates it. Find that out in this book and receive total freedom from the evil monitors.

(75 customer reviews)
Monitoring Spirits by Prayer M. Madueke
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Do You Experience a Cycle of Going Up and Coming Down? This Book is For You.

There are monitoring spirits around which monitor people. Perhaps you are wondering how your enemies know your secrets or what you are up to and every move you make, or perhaps you do not understand how the enemy knows that you are at the edge of a breakthrough and he comes and truncates it.

They get this information through monitoring powers on a suicide mission sent to follow you. The only way to be free is to know how to destroy these evil monitors.

Find that out in this book and receive total freedom from the evil monitors.

Get involved in this program with all seriousness!!

Monitoring Spirits by Prayer M. Madueke

You can be monitored for sin and influenced for severe errors
Demons can be mobilized by a monitoring spirit to stop God's plan for your life
A guide on how to be delivered from Evil Monitors

75 reviews for Monitoring Spirits

  1. Amazon Customer

    This book has given me more insight about monitoring spirit. I am blessed. I am going to read it again and again.

  2. Dianne D.

    Power packed prayers by Prayer Madueke. Inspired by the word of Almighty GOD in JESUS name!.When you pray these prayers mountains will begin to move and shackles will be broken by the blood of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH!!!

  3. J. Messimore

    The Author explains the strategies that are used against us, what we need to do to close the open doors in our lives. The Decrees to speak and declare are very thorough. This is an insightful book that gets right to the point!

  4. Rodney_fly

    It will keep your true repentance in check. The decrees are powerful. Let the records of the devil against you be burned.

  5. prettyflyers11

    This gave me better insight what monitoring spirits are and the steps you need to begin to take to eradicate them out of your life, with the help of God, through the power of his Holy Spirit. Definitely an eye opener.

  6. RJ

    Important read and accurate!!

  7. Bargain Hunter

    This book is short…a little over 50 pages. Grammatically it is a little difficult to read but if you can push through that and get the golden nuggets that are in the book, you’ll be blessed. The prayers and decrees at the end are especially powerful!

  8. DB

    Concise and biblically supported. Excellent read.

  9. Pauline

    Exceptional book and a must to have to obtain victory

  10. Edison

    Could be more comprehensive

  11. Bonnie Reems

    This is a succinct book that pinpoints certain recounts from the Bible that help explain monitoring spirits and how they begin and continue in people’s lives. Most importantly, the book includes instructional prayers of deliverance!One thing I love about this book is that the author Prayer Madeuke specifically states that we must repent! He included a section to let the readers know they should do so before praying the prayers of deliverance. This is excellent teaching. Too many others have given the impression that they can gloss over their wrongdoings and jump right back in as if nothing happened. Not so. We all must repent. Period.I like that Mr. Madeuke uses plenty of bible based scriptures. He’s clearly referencing God’s word and not his own interpretation.There’s a few grammatical errors that should be fixed. It seems as if the English translation may not have been completed by a native English speaker. The only other item that is concerning is the cover. It’s off-putting because it’s evil looking. My thinking is there’s got to be a better way to get a message across other than choosing an evil looking cover. I’ve seen more than one (which is too many) Christian authors do this and it would be good to change this practice. There’s no reason or excuse to promote anything evil.Otherwise, the meat and purpose of the book is outstanding.

  12. Jesse Jernigan

    This book was a major blessing to me.I believe it is very important to know the devices of the enemy. We should not be ignorant of the devices of the enemy.Prayer is annointed and knowledgeable and the book was heart felt and holy spirit lead.Thank you! I am very blessed!

  13. Kindle Customer

    I have to hold back my tendency to be bossy because I want so desperately for everyone to read this book and say the prayers to experience the freedom Jesus has died for His children to have! Get this book. You’ll be so glad you did.

  14. Amazon Customer

    The prayers in the books are very vaulable and I am so Thankful to have found them!! Thank You Kathleen Granger


    A Wealth of Information. Excellent read. Can also serve as a great teaching tool. It is eye opening and reveals hidden truth in plain sight. I definitely recommend this book to others

  16. Tina M Beatty

    Learning how this spirit works and how it can affect a person

  17. Amazon Customer

    Thank you so much. Your books have been a blessing to me.

  18. Kimberly Moore

    I am so glad I was led to this book. I know that it was by the Spirit of God. This book will be a blessing to Christians that have been struggling in certain areas of their life.

  19. Kindle Customer

    Monitoring spirits are around us daily and we must always be ready to deter and attack. This book gives great insight on how to prepare ourselves for this situation. Keeping our relationship with God as firm as possible and with the help of the prayers and decrees from this book and the main foundation of God’s word, no weapon formed against will proper!

  20. Gladys Whitfield

    This book is Awesomeness in every way. The decrees and declarations are on point and target the enemy with Holy Spirit Fire. A must read for sure.

  21. Bwana Holmes

    It was very scripturally sound and informative!! Alarms you to not sleep on what could be stopping your destiny tracks and that is… Monitoring spirits

  22. Diane

    This book presented things I wasn’t aware of even being an intercessor. I knew about opening door but never knew about the spirit motivating a child of God to open a door. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

  23. Man of God

    Insightful and in depth explanation of the scriptures detailing how our actions can cause us to be in stagnation. Please read and study the Word of God.

  24. Amazon Customer

    Very insightful and well written.

  25. delroy gayle

    I love this book it as been a blessings to me because it as open my eyes to some hidden things that I didn’t understand, thank you and may the lord continue to bless you 🙏

  26. Cliente Kindle

    Primeiro livro sobre o asunto de espírito de monitoramento, eu creio que são reais espirito de monitoramento controle e piton acho que esses três espiritos atuam juntos sou leigo estou apredendo, quero agradecer o autor por seu pensamento expresso no livro e as orações de decretos, parabéns Deus abençoe.

  27. Dale

    Warfare to eliminate the unseen enemy.

  28. Andrea_

    Really good

  29. Amazon Customer

    I really will recomnend this book to others in the deliverance ministry. It goes in depth to teach how to recognize and defeat the monitoring spirit. The scripture references were key in doing warfare.

  30. victoria ekong

    A must have and read book, very anointed and powerful book.. I own alot of this authors book, and can’t wait to read more of his anointed books.. His books blesses and impacts my life and family greatly..

  31. Jada Marie

    Hello Prayer. I just finished your book and I must say it has been a blessing. I have had experiences in my life that left me broken and fearful to the extent that I allowed it to take over. Thankfully, the Lord has been soo faithful and he has never left my side. From the outside things may look fine but inside I have been dealing with a battle that has been going on for over 15 years. My testimony is very long and detailed like a lot of people so I won’t go into it fully in this review but I just want you to know that you are a blessing and I fully believe that you have an annointing on your life to bless others. I prayed that the Lord will continue to bless and keep you and I will definitely pay it forward at every opportunity by telling others about just how much your book was a blessing and a plethora of very necessary information in this day and time. Thank you again and God Bless.

  32. Kindle Customer

    This book was very powerful and helpful to my walk with God it also had good powerful pray points.

  33. Gwen T.

    This book was very insightful in knowing about the enemy’s plans and plots for the righteous.

  34. Lola

    Reading this book was very informative.It made me read more books in the series.It will bless you as you read.

  35. treese

    I enjoyed this book as it described clearly aspects of monitoring spirits. I now have greater insight and am equipped for any encounters

  36. Lade Sparkles

    Many times I have ask The Lord , what cause my Mother ‘s inheritances to be taken from all of us 4 times?Now by reading this very powerful book ,understanding and revelation has found it’s home. Thank you Apostle, for answering the call of deliverance for all people. Once truth has come there remains no denial. The Lord’s Hand is heavy upon you!Remember !Your intercessor need a intercessor and you’re back up need a backup.Mighty man of valor !! The Lord Has Great need of your Whole FamilyMade Sparkles

  37. Amazon Customer

    A must read! This book every Israelite needs in their prayer arsenal! These are the last days and we need to hit every angle in which the devil is trying to attack us and destroy our destiny of going back home to the continent and taking back our land Israel!

  38. Noel Burrell

    Another great book. Very helpful and informative.

  39. crystal jeter

    Love it. I especially love the ending prayers and decrees. They cover every single area and it was much needed in my life right now.

  40. TMVVA

    This book was very insightful and educational. The book teaches you why it is so important to repent of sin and turn away from it to avoid unwanted spiritual attacks. I highly recommend this book.

  41. virginia comma

    I enjoyed this book because it was a quick read straight and to the point. Which is the reason you brought the book in the first place.

  42. Felicia

    You have to buy!


    I bought this book for the reviews and It fully meets my expectaions. Thank you Pastor.

  44. Daphne Whitaker Spight

    God has a Master plan for your life. The enemy is determined that you will not fulfil that plan. How is he able to stop God’s plan. He uses monitoring Spirits that watch you and your progress all the time. Then right at the point of break through the enemy dispatches his demons to destroy your progress. Then you start all over again. Don’t wait purchase and read this book today. Your destiny depends on this.

  45. Kindle Customer

    These are the exact prayers I needed and is effective …all his books are the truth and backed up with scriptures

  46. Amazon Customer

    Great book of prayer

  47. Kindle Customer

    I think the book is edifying to the soul. I will continue to read his books. May God bless you and your family.

  48. audri

    I like that this book helped me to see the way generational curses happen. It opened my eyes more to the way the evil one works. Also, how our living God gives humans many chances to do right and how He protects His children from any evil that tries to overthrow their God ordained destiny, as long as they follow Gods laws and abstain from evil works.

  49. Amazon Customer

    All believers are involved in warfare. An important part of warfare is the gathering of information.In this exocellent book the author uncovers the schemes and activities of the evil one in this area.He also shows us what to do to have the victory in this part of our warfare.

  50. Antonio

    I thank God for this book – it really open my eyes to see that there are actually more ways the enemy can monitor your life to destroy it. These monitoring spirits reports back to demons and satan to destroy your life.. and we as Disciples of Jesus Christ must paralyze their assignments and command their eyes to blind with stones of fire and the ears to be deaf and their speak to be muted In Jesus Mighty Name

  51. Kindle Customer

    I love your books, they’re very informative and full of revelations. My eyes are opening since I’ve been reading your books.

  52. Faith crossbow

    Why I chose this rating because prayer books are good.this book was a bit short but good I would recommend this book to a friend

  53. Amazon Customer

    This book has given me more insight about monitoring spirit. I am blessed. I am going to read it again and again.

  54. Kindle Customer

    Prayer M. Madueke really broke down Monitoring Spirits in this book! Very helpful information , God is Good🙏🏼❤️🙌🏼 Thank You

  55. K Freemantle

    It’s was a great experience to read your thoughts, thank you 😊

  56. sheena

    Powerful decrees in the back. Great eye opening book.

  57. Sharon D. Johnson

    This is a well written book. It clearly lays out the premise and the remedy. I love using the decrees.

  58. Survivor

    Precise. Direct. To the point. Gives biblical reference. Really quick read

  59. Kindle Customer

    I enjoyed reading this book, because it reinforces the power of repentance and humility before God.

  60. apriles78

    This book teaches you how important it is to persist in the ways of God. When you are under attack from an enemy, be persistent in your prayers. Stand in God’s righteousness. Do not compromise. Honor God with all you have. What seems like a little thing, such as remembering to say your prayers every morning and night, can actually make a big difference to how easily you defeat your enemy. Never forget, winning one fight does not mean that the battle is over. You have to keep going steadfastly in the ways of the Lord, never wavering. It’s amazing how much this book confirmed things which the Spirit of God has been telling me lately. I had been wondering why it seemed like every day I had to start all over again, dedicating myself to the word and making time for prayer, and the Lord showed me that His promises are renewed every day. So you have to treat every day as if it were the only day you have to spend with the Lord. If you treat it like that, suddenly, remembering to take time to honor the Lord all day takes on a new importance. I am grateful to have a merciful and loving God!

  61. J. Hernandez

    The whole book is great but… the Decree section! Whoa! I recommend you read it out loud! Amazing. Hope this blesses everyone as it has blessed me.

  62. lonnieloves

    What a wonderful God I serve!! This book will give you the know how on how to cast out evil entities and the like! Read this book and set you and your family free in Jesus name!! 💃🏾🕺🏽🙌🙌🏾❤️

  63. Aldine Phillips

    A great and eye opening book

  64. J.flip02

    I really appreciated all the wisdom and scriptural word presented in this book. It brought forth answered prayer, to what I was experiencing in my life but took it even further than how to identify them but how to defeat them and shut the door forever! Thank you.

  65. wendy cummings

    This book is a great book very eye opening to what is happening around us as we sit or even walk.

  66. Aja McClanahan

    The scripture analysis is good. The prayer confession is thorough. This book is a great spiritual tool and covers an important topic.

  67. Jasmine

    I truly enjoyed the reading of this book! This book gave so much insight into the operations of monitoring spirits and how they enter into our lives. I received specific information on how to overcome these spirits as well as knowing how they gain entry into our lives.

  68. Sweetnessforeal

    The down side is the hair sheds a bit.

  69. Simona S

    It is a very good tool in spiritual warfare and for protection of your family and destiny.

  70. Kindle Customer

    This was a wonderful book, it’s like a review of what I have been learning. Thanks for making it so clear, and easy to understand, love the examples you gave has to what will happen to us, if we do not obey the command’s of Our Heavenly Father. No wonder it’s a #1 seller, strongly recommended this book, if you are lost in the path of serving Our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus, and The Holy Spirt, this book will help you get back on path, it can really help change, and be in the original promise of everlasting life. Thanks so much Payer

  71. angela doyne

    best christian writer read in years,his books amazing.

  72. wunuvakine

    Thank you for shedding light upon these evil spirits. I hunger for information regarding all the enemies against mankind and knowing best way to battle against them. I would recommend this to any and all of my brothers and sisters in my life!

  73. Amazon Customer

    [email protected] thank you for giving me the ammonition I needed. I felt like this was happening in my life a long time

  74. ingrid mcmaster

    Some very important points and ideas were not fully communicated. I still do not know what cross road and water monitors and some of your other references mean or how to identify them and go into battle. This book will be very good when you spend some more time defining your terms and giving examples. I was able to get past most of the grammatical errors but some of the thoughts were lost.

  75. BMJ

    Sometimes poor English.With better editing, book would have more effect.Prayers & declarations are good, sometimes the meaning is obscured by misspelled words or incorrect word order.I like the author & agree with most of the content.

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Additional information


Prayer M. Madueke

Print Length

66 pages



Publication Date

2020, December 17


Prayer Publications



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