When a man has enough demons in him, he can be used by them to defile his fellow men, thereby bringing the demonic kingdom into physical manifestation to oppose God and good things.
Importance of the Scriptures
Deliverance ministers who do not know the scriptures cannot last. Without a thorough study of the scriptures and their right application, no deliverance minister or pastor can make meaningful progress toward the level of eternity.
Operations of the Queen of the Coast
Many ministers and ministries have become ineffective because of worldliness, prayerlessness, and attacks by satanic forces, false doctrines, persecutions, financial mismanagement, women, and persecution from government authorities. Many churches are dormant today without recognizing that we are fighting a great enemy.
Consecration for Service
It is God’s will throughout our lives to completely, wholeheartedly give our lives over to Him. Our consecration should be constant at all times and not given only when we need a particular blessing from the Lord.
What is Effective Prayer?
Prayer is a way of communicating with God and expressing our needs and desires. It is a way of involving God in our lives and asking for His help and guidance. Through prayer, we can ask God to meet our daily needs, protect us from temptations, and deliver us from evil. It also allows us […]
The Heart of Man
If you want God’s word to effectively minister to you, you have to forget whatever you know about Him and be ready to accept His word as it is written.
Prayers to Dominate at your Work Place
Until God determines that you resign from your job and take up another, you do not have any reason to resign your job in fear of enemies in your place of work. No one has ever solved any problem by running away from it. Learn to face your problems and trust God to help you […]
Reasons to Stay Charged Spiritually
The prevalence of satanic evil in the world today can be attributed to a lack of understanding within Christian communities. Christianity has become diluted and the moral standards have been lowered. However, the few individuals who truly comprehend the essence of Christianity and the expectations of God in various aspects of life are able to […]
When an Orphan Prays
An orphan’s prayer is one of hope and longing for a family, for love and security. It is a prayer for a place to belong and for the pain of loss to be healed. The orphan’s prayer is not just for physical needs but for emotional and spiritual nourishment. Their prayer is a powerful and […]
Purity in widowhood
Widowhood can be a time of great sorrow and loss, but it can also be a time for reflection and personal growth. Purity in widowhood can mean staying true to oneself and one’s values, letting go of past hurt and focusing on the present and future. Jesus monitors every activity on earth to see how […]