While it is important to hone your academic skills, as a Christian student, you cannot afford to neglect asking God for a good memory so that you can retain and remember everything you studied during preparation periods.

While it is important to hone your academic skills, as a Christian student, you cannot afford to neglect asking God for a good memory so that you can retain and remember everything you studied during preparation periods.
Your main responsibility is not only to give birth or feed your children natural foods. Rather, it is to also show them the way back to God. It is a sin to bring a child into this world without guiding that child to God, the source of all things.
As a Christian student, you are destined to excel and outshine your immediate peers, and as such, you ought to work and pray hard at all times in order to beat even the best students.
Being uneducated in this sophisticated world can be very costly. It can limit and relegate you to a pit.
A striking attribute is how they tend to live by the standards and values of their peers, the media, leaders, etc. This has caused so many young people to find themselves in unexpected and unpleasant situations.
Some students believe in their academic prowess so much that they refuse to acknowledge that evil powers such as these exist, and as such, they do not bother to pray.
Have You Noticed That It Is Those Who Are Privileged, Who Have Almost or Everything They Need to Go to School Are the Ones That Underperform?