The period of courtship is certainly one of those times when couples tend to relax and rest their oars. However, courtship is as important as marriage itself, and so it ought to be taken as seriously.

The period of courtship is certainly one of those times when couples tend to relax and rest their oars. However, courtship is as important as marriage itself, and so it ought to be taken as seriously.
Being a believer does not somehow exempt you from temptation from the devil and his agents. The worst thing that can happen to a believer is to yield to temptations and backslide.
As a Christian student, you are destined to excel and outshine your immediate peers, and as such, you ought to work and pray hard at all times in order to beat even the best students.
Who is Leviathan? Leviathan is the principality in charge of the dark region in the satanic kingdom. Only divine light sent in the name of Jesus in righteousness and faith can penetrate his kingdom or domain. His main kingdom is much below the water level but he also operates in the second heaven like any […]
What is Separation? Separation is a state or period of time when legally married couples stay apart from each other, often due to irreconcilable differences. Today, numerous marriages are experiencing serious problems. Many husbands and their wives live under the same roof without talking to each other for an extended period of time. Couples that […]
In every generation from the time of Adam, the devil has always fought to divert man to serve him, worship and adore him. To achieve this diversion, he always approaches leaders in subtle ways to plant doubt about God’s word and make people disbelieve God and believe his lies instead. When God created man, He […]
Being a born-again Christian does not totally exempt you from these evil marriages. You may be born again, but if your life’s foundation is not cleared up, the spirit world can harass you.
Sin has a lot of power, which is why when you engage in it, It sinks its claws into you and darkens your understanding. It deceives the heart, renders you useless, and defiles the body.
Every marriage comes with its own concerns. One of the major concerns that may arise in a marriage is the absence of peace. At one point or another, peace may seemingly elude your union.
In life, we are all bound to make mistakes. However, the problem arises when we refuse to get up, dust ourselves off, and try to do things differently in a better way.