Worry, anxiety, and problems can often push us hard, and suddenly peace seems far away. Too many thoughts and emotions are whirling around in the shadows, making it difficult to even think clearly.

Worry, anxiety, and problems can often push us hard, and suddenly peace seems far away. Too many thoughts and emotions are whirling around in the shadows, making it difficult to even think clearly.
God’s Perfect Knowledge One of the attributes of God is “PERFECT IN KNOWLEDGE,” meaning that He knows everything before it becomes known. He telleth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names (Psalms 147:4; 94:9-11). The best professors of mathematics, accountants, and all those trained in understanding numbers cannot count the […]
Just like a physical man can be attracted to a lady because of the way she dresses or makes up, spiritual husbands and wives can be attracted to you by the way you live your life.
David’s Administrative Wisdom In David’s administrative wisdom, he mastered the right manner of approach on how to carry everyone along. He spoke to his subjects with wisdom, and as a result, they became extremely loyal and devoted to him. By his divine wisdom, even his enemies found it difficult and almost impossible to identify his […]
Having the belt of truth means standing on what you know is right and insisting on doing things the right way. Will you believe what God says about you or what the Devil, the accuser, says when life’s challenges hit you hard?
Imagine you’re at your wedding, and you’re looking around, and suddenly you see Jesus at your wedding. How would you feel? Will you be sorrowful or joyful? Is the prince of peace, Jesus Christ, going to be comfortable at your wedding or will the events compel him to leave earlier? These are things you might […]
Faithful Service and Obedience to God’s Will To be rewarded at the end, to be crowned at the end, to benefit from any service you render as a minister, believers or worker, your service must be rendered in conformity with scriptural principles and precepts. There cannot be permanent victory until the believer accepts the totality […]
The Call to Holiness Christ told them in His letter to continue in holiness, to remain conquerors, more than conquerors over the world, the flesh and the devil. To watch and examine their relationship with God, to prove that their names are still in the book of life and they are still overcomers. They must […]
It is rather painful to die in sickness or remain in trouble while the name of Jesus is waiting for you to invoke it to get your healing and deliverance.
A lot of the time, it is a common experience for most people to forget their dreams and find them difficult to recall. However, if dreams are not remembered, they could bring disaster.