The Spirit of Death in Sardis The church in the city of Sardis was under attack from the spirit of death. Their attacks started in the spirit and many good things in them died without notice, Christ saw it and became sorrowful. ‘And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith […]
Unwavering Faith and Deliverance
The Power of Unyielding Faith The disciples were ready to obey God, keep faith than to obey men. They refused to negotiate with the devil and his agents. Paul was ready to go into bondage, die in it rather than negotiate. Nothing on earth moved him and his life was less important to him than […]
After Deliverance: What Next?
The human body is a fertile ground for demons since that is where they can move freely and exercise themselves. This ground can be opened up for them to enter or reenter through sin.
How to Deal With Opposition in the Workplace
The events that take place in offices are alarming, and most of the time, children of God are caught in the crossfire. This kind of wickedness is usually hidden and unpronounced.
How to Solve a Marriage Problem
God will not fault you or your spouse for exhausting your marriage’s wine through willful mistakes, wrong choices, and sin. He already had prior knowledge of this, and this is why he equally created a way out of it.
Walking in the Spirit of Excellence
God doesn’t want you to be successful and excel in some things. Rather, he wants you to excel and succeed in everything! Therefore, excellence is your heritage in Christ.
Abuse of God’s Grace
What it means to abuse the grace of God If you still live in sin after receiving God’s gift of grace, then you are abusing the grace of God upon your life. No matter where you are, whether in Rome or where Satan’s seat is, once you obtain God’s grace, you are empowered to overcome […]
Obtaining Grace Through Christ
God desires to provide you with His grace because He is gracious. You can easily receive every other thing through divine grace, including His nature. Crying to God for His grace with a broken heart moves Him to be gracious and respond without delay. “for that is his only covering, and it is his cloak […]
Understanding Sufficient Grace
What is Sufficient Grace? Sufficient grace is the divine enablement and strength provided by God that is enough to meet all our needs and sustain us through every challenge and weakness. It is the grace that assures us that regardless of our circumstances or limitations that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness and […]
Can You Overcome Drug Addiction?
What you can do, the heights you can attain, what God has deposited inside of you, and who you can become can be limited by addictions. Do you want to be free from these addictions?