If you are casting out demons but you are still committing fornication, adultery, or even telling lies, you are worse than those who are possessed by the spirit of madness.
Resisting the Queen of the Coast and Her Minions
Prostitutes are usually very pretty girls and boys who, without knowledge of being slaves of the queen of the coasts, dedicated their bodies to the queen of the coast for maximum use as weapons of mass destruction.
The Simplicity and Power of Fasting and Prayer
There are Christians who are so busy that they do not find time to eat, and as a result, they count it as fasting. Being too busy and not having time to eat is not fasting.
Breaking Free From the Devil’s Hold
There are people whose fates have already been buried by the devil. Those people have lost their peace, marriages, businesses, children, etc., to the devil. Many others are living under the affliction, oppression, and influence of evil powers.
Pregnancy Under Attack
When you are pregnant, the devil and his agents do not stop at anything to seek your destruction. The powers of darkness and their human agents like to feed on human flesh and blood.
The Dangers of Traditions That Contradict the Gospel
No matter who is in charge, once a tradition contradicts the Word of God, reject and avoid it. Therefore, you must learn to scrutinize the traditions, rudiments, and philosophies involved in marriage, business, and families before you get involved. Otherwise, you may enter into collective bondage.
The Importance of Preparation in Life
You cannot jump into life without due preparation and succeed. You must be a child before you become a man. You must serve others before others serve you.
Repentance and Salvation Through Christ
No matter how corrupt, averse, spiritually blind, deaf or dead you are, if you accept Christ, He will give you abundant life and bring you back to Your Father, the creator of heaven and earth.
Our True Home: Heaven
The earthly home is a shadow or model of our heavenly home. Therefore, if your earthly home lacks the presence of God, how can you partake in the heavenly home?
Effects of Parent’s Debts on Children
Parents who wish their children well and want to see them enjoy lives ought to deal with the consequences of their past sins properly. They must not allow devil to transfer these consequences to their children. Sin is debt to Satan. Only Jesus could pay the debt of sin. Parents must let Jesus settle the […]