One of the most beautiful things a newlywed couple could do during their honeymoon is to pray, study God’s Word, and seek His blueprint for their marriage. It is only God’s counsel that will stand.

One of the most beautiful things a newlywed couple could do during their honeymoon is to pray, study God’s Word, and seek His blueprint for their marriage. It is only God’s counsel that will stand.
Where there is true love in the family, there is no animosity, no struggle, no fighting, nothing but a perfect, glorious union. Love must be noticed at the very heart and center of Christian homes.
Similarly, separation may not necessarily be the best solution to the serious conflict you are facing in your marriage right now. is able to instruct you on a path to follow that will lead you to His goodness and mercies. You only have to listen and obey his instructions.
Today, in some churches in America and in other parts of the world, pastors, in the name of God, are bringing men and men together in marriage, contrary to the will of God.
The earthly home is a shadow or model of our heavenly home. Therefore, if your earthly home lacks the presence of God, how can you partake in the heavenly home?
A lot of times, you give the devil a place in your home, and you end up battling diverse kinds of problems. He seizes every such opportunity to build his altar in families that are in distress, and he makes sure peace never enters.
Understanding Faith as a Divine Connection Faith is one of God’s phone numbers and the key that unlocks the door of heaven’s resources. Faith that believes the word of God without doubting can keep a believer in God’s coverage area all the days of his life. Faith means to believe the word of God. You […]
“The Scriptures require God to set apart one day every week for worship and rest, which is known as the Sabbath. It’s a time to take a break from our regular schedules, consider what God has to say, and spend time with our loved ones and the Lord. The creation account, found in Genesis 2–3, […]
“In today’s world, teaching our children about social responsibility is crucial for nurturing a generation that values kindness, justice, and godly behavior. As parents and guardians, it is our duty to equip our children not only with skills for their personal success but also with a deep-rooted sense of responsibility towards society. This counsel should […]
“Chapters 37 through 50 of the Book of Genesis include the tale of Joseph, which serves as a powerful illustration of how steadfast confidence in God and commitment to integrity may lead us through life’s most difficult circumstances. The trajectory of Joseph’s life—from the cherished son to a slave, prisoner, and ultimately Egypt’s governor—is a […]