In Christ, you have a right to conceive your baby and deliver it safely without any evil interference. God wants you to be happy and experience the blessing of fruitfulness.

In Christ, you have a right to conceive your baby and deliver it safely without any evil interference. God wants you to be happy and experience the blessing of fruitfulness.
There are people whose fates have already been buried by the devil. Those people have lost their peace, marriages, businesses, children, etc., to the devil. Many others are living under the affliction, oppression, and influence of evil powers.
When you are pregnant, the devil and his agents do not stop at anything to seek your destruction. The powers of darkness and their human agents like to feed on human flesh and blood.
Your confidence should be in God and His Word. This is the believers’ confidence: that when you pray against barrenness and infertility according to His will, you receive answers to your prayers.
Witches and wizards are the brains behind evil manipulation of pregnancies, and when you fail to challenge their powers through prayers, they will continue to harvest your destiny and wipe away your family members.
Have you gotten pregnant before? Have you ever had to share the heartbreaking news of a miscarriage?Are you pregnant right now? God has favored you greatly! While you go through the process of keeping you and your baby in good physical health, you should also consider the spiritual well-being of your child. The bible revealed […]
The world has never taken too kindly when a couple fails to have their own children a few years after marriage. As a matter of fact, some people begin searching for a baby bump a few months after marriage.
More often than not, men barely know past the fact that they’re going to be fathers. It goes beyond that! Every husband has so much to do during his wife’s pregnancy.
The rigorous journey from multiple visits to the doctor to assuage your fears of any underlying health condition to relying on drugs and eventually opting for different methods can be nerve-wracking.