Prostitutes are usually very pretty girls and boys who, without knowledge of being slaves of the queen of the coasts, dedicated their bodies to the queen of the coast for maximum use as weapons of mass destruction.
Pregnancy Under Attack
When you are pregnant, the devil and his agents do not stop at anything to seek your destruction. The powers of darkness and their human agents like to feed on human flesh and blood.
Breaking the Bonds of Occultism
Joining witchcraft and occultism to prosper and live well is shortsighted and myopic. It is an evil exchange: the sale of your birthright, the destruction of your future and eternity, including those of your born and unborn children.
The Destructive Power of Witchcraft
These days, there are restrictions on even confessing God openly. These people who practice witchcraft hate everything about God, His Word, and His ways. Witchcraft powers inspire a lot of evil in people.
Living in Sin or Obedience to God
Achieving victory after gross disobedience, doing exploits by praying and receiving answers to your prayers, and increasing material prosperity in sin and disobedience to God’s Word equates to God’s approval for you to continue in sin.
Overcoming the Obstacles of Sin and Curses in Your Life
Cursed people are constantly subjected to limitations and satanic attacks. They suffer premature death, hatred, and rejection. Some of them suffer from infertility, barrenness, prolonged pregnancies, or miscarriage.
Evil Powers of Your Father’s House
The evil powers of your father’s house are the ones who make you see the promise land but refuse to let you enter. It is the power that shows you good things but prevents you from enjoying them.
Witchcraft: Then and Now
I am sure that you have always associated witchcraft with only old, ugly, haggard, and ragged people, as is the common notion. However, this is only a half-truth
Who Is in Charge of All Witchcraft Activities?
The truth is that whatever you acquire through occultism, witchcraft, or by worshipping the devil, you will eventually lose, together with your life and perhaps eternity.
The Sins of the Fathers
If your parents have served idols in the past or practiced witchcraft, divination, and enchantment and belonged to occult groups or witchcraft kingdoms, you need deliverance.