Securing Financial Blessings

I’ve discovered that more individuals fail to demonstrate faith in securing financial blessings than anything else. That’s because they’re attempting to practice faith but haven’t planted any seeds! They expect God to reward their money despite not having planted anything. Nonetheless, it’s remarkable how He can have pity on them and assist them. The Bible says, “Give, […]

Noah’s Ark: Obedience and Trust in God

“The biblical account of Noah’s Ark serves as a timeless model of unshakable trust and devotion to God amid a world full of turmoil and rebellion. This tale from the book of Genesis tells not just the account of a man constructing an ark but also of his unwavering faith in God in the face […]

Parenting with Purpose: Instilling Respect and Obedience

Parenting is a sacred mandate from God to shape the next generation in ways that are agreeable to Him. This includes establishing virtues like respect and obedience, which are essential for Christian life. One important verse that addresses these values is Ephesians 6:1-3, which declares, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, because this is […]

Exploring the Power of God’s Decree in Scripture and Life

“In terms of spiritual knowledge, the notion of God’s decree is very important. God’s decision, founded on divine power, alters the course of history, determines human destiny, and reveals His sovereign will in our lives. As Christians, we must dive deeper into the core of God’s decision, comprehending its power in both Scripture and our […]

Obedience to God’s Word

If you love God, then you have to fall in love with His word and obey it. If you do not have a genuine love for God, you cannot submit to the authority of the Scriptures.