What is a Dream? Dreams are series of thoughts, images or emotions that occur while one is sleeping. Dream is an activity observed or enacted in one’s sleep and impressed in one’s memory so that when one wakes up, it is remembered vividly and can be relayed. “And being warned of God in a dream […]
Overcoming the Obstacles of Sin and Curses in Your Life
Cursed people are constantly subjected to limitations and satanic attacks. They suffer premature death, hatred, and rejection. Some of them suffer from infertility, barrenness, prolonged pregnancies, or miscarriage.
Appearance of the Queen of Heaven
Previously, we can see that the queen of heaven appeared as a great whore, sitting upon many waters which signifies the sea of humanity. The waters where the woman sitteth, (present continuous) is not ordinary water but peoples, multitudes in many nations and tongues who are in covenant with her through idolatry, occultism, bewitchment and […]
Demonic Attacks and Deliverance
Many people today are suffering immensely in one or two areas of their lives. This problem has vowed to take them to the grave before returning to their kingdom.
The Danger of Laboring in Christ in Vain
It is undeniable that many people work hard in life yet receive no real reward. When it comes time for them to profit from their investments, many people put time and money into their future, but nothing will come of it.
Finding Christ in the End of Christmas
As these last days of the year have come, so the last days of your life on earth will one day come. Today may even be that day, so do not delay your salvation.
The Path to Eternal Life With God
The most important thing on earth is your soul. Whatever you have on this earth or will ever have will not last to eternity. Moreover, if you lose your soul, you lose the purpose of living.
The Prophet’s Warning: Staying True to God’s Word
If you are a leader who influences people under you wrongly, be warned. If your teachings, prophecies, or style of leadership promote sexual immorality, separation, divorce, or any kind of sin, this may be your last or only warning letter.
Exercising Dominion: Speaking From the Heavenlies
What you need in a time of fighting from the heavens is to issue words of authority only, and things will begin to happen. You are a person with authority, having all creatures under your dominion.
The Importance of Living a Spirit-Filled Life
When you uphold one way of life far above core Christian life and values, you may eventually end up practicing witchcraft without knowing it. As a result, it is better to embrace the fruits of the Spirit above other things.