Obtaining Grace Through Christ

God desires to provide you with His grace because He is gracious. You can easily receive every other thing through divine grace, including His nature. Crying to God for His grace with a broken heart moves Him to be gracious and respond without delay. “for that is his only covering, and it is his cloak […]

Understanding Sufficient Grace

What is Sufficient Grace? Sufficient grace is the divine enablement and strength provided by God that is enough to meet all our needs and sustain us through every challenge and weakness. It is the grace that assures us that regardless of our circumstances or limitations that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness and […]

The Judgment of the Great Whore

The Woman and Her Judgment He was invited by one of the seven angels to a throne, the headquarters of Jezebel, a great whore, a great prostitute that sitteth upon many waters. He was told that this woman will be judged. She will not go free of all her persecutions, attacks and abominations against the […]

God’s Judgment Against the Spirit of Jezebel

The Deceptive Influence of the Prophetess The filthy prophetess in the church in Thyatira overpowered the ministers and members with her false teaching of deceit. She seduced the members of the church with her powerful witchcraft and the spirit of Jezebel. She spread immorality and mislead many with idolatrous worship. Christ sent a letter and […]

Speaking Things to Manifestation

How to activate the grace to speak things into manifestation. To activate the grace to speak things into manifestation, you must first align your words with God’s Word, ensuring that your declarations are rooted in Scripture. Develop a strong faith foundation by spending time in prayer and meditating on the promises of God. Consistently speak […]

Identifying Satanic Bondage

What is a satanic bondage and how can it be identified? Satanic bondage refers to spiritual captivity or entrapment caused by demonic influence or control over a person’s life. It can be identified through several signs: – Behavioral Patterns: Persistent patterns of sin or destructive behavior that seem beyond personal control. – Emotional and Mental […]

War Against the Spirit of Jezebel in Ministry

The Influence of the Jezebel Spirit on Ministers Ministers who are possessed with the spirit of Jezebel are wicked but they become more wicked when they are bewitched to marry women or men with such spirits. Once they possess a pastor, an overseer, the one in charge of any group, their first aim is to […]

The Spirit of Jezebel in the Church

False Prophets and their Influence There are many false prophetess and prophets that has overcome many pastors, church leaders and their members. They used witchcraft powers to bewitch everyone in the church and they now operate without challenge. Those who dare challenge them are under attack and as a result, they silence everyone and operate […]

True Deliverance and the Challenge of Deception in Ministry

Enduring Faith and Holiness To some of them, their progress was delayed, stopped and attacked but they never compromised. They kept their relationship with God, lived holy, kept their hands clean and served God. It was not easy for them to worship God in a place where the filthy prophetess ruled but they persisted to […]

Discovering Greatness in Adversity: Lessons from the Seven Churches of Asia

The Challenges and Triumphs of the Church in Thyatira As I study the seven letters to seven churches in Asia, I discover to my shock and surprise that there is no place that one cannot achieve greatness. I also discovered that every church is a mixture of good and evil, wheat and tares, true and […]