Leaving your parents, guardians, or anybody that takes care of you, spiritually and physically, is one of the greatest battles you must fight in your life.

Leaving your parents, guardians, or anybody that takes care of you, spiritually and physically, is one of the greatest battles you must fight in your life.
When someone marked for trouble or a problem is traveling with you, without divine intervention and mercies, one’s journey may be in jeopardy.
A wife’s submission is not a favor to the husband. It is God’s command. Therefore, she should submit in love, not as a slave. She should do it without grudge in her heart. She should love her husband with respect and treat him with honor and dignity. Sometimes, your husband may fail to meet up […]
Has your marriage passed through the Iron Gate? Has your health passed through the Iron Gate? Joseph was a leader inside the prison. His leadership needs to pass through the Iron Gate. Many children of God are only enjoying partial deliverance. Many are delivered but things that will make them happy in life have not […]
A lot of times, some of the jobs you desire may be out of your reach. You might even be unqualified for it. Nevertheless, who can say otherwise when God qualifies you?
There is a high rate of untimely physical and spiritual deaths. It is not normal to die young. It is also disheartening that many preventable deaths claim people’s lives. Premature deaths are not the will of God for His people. However, the devil who brings death’s judgment is constantly upon many people, which is why […]
A lot of believers have no idea the amount of power they possess when they give their lives to Christ. You have authority over the goings-on in your life.
If your business is experiencing some difficulties right now, then you know how important it is to pray for a breakthrough. When nothing seems to be working, a prayer for business breakthrough is a cry for help.
Idolatry defiles God’s sanctuary. It defiles the name of God and provokes Him. When you choose your idols, you reject God. In turn, when you turn away from idols, you escape the wrath of God.
A yoke is any evil power that forces you to defeat, and it can take various forms in your life. Your actions, decisions, and indulgences frequently enslave you to various yokes.