Pushing Through Iron Gates

Has your marriage passed through the Iron Gate? Has your health passed through the Iron Gate? Joseph was a leader inside the prison. His leadership needs to pass through the Iron Gate. Many children of God are only enjoying partial deliverance. Many are delivered but things that will make them happy in life have not been delivered.

Hannah was a true child of God. She led a pure life and passed through character deliverance but her conception needed to pass through the Iron Gate that led to the city. She saw the need, prayed and fasted and God delivered her from barrenness.

Eli was a man of God; a priest of God. He was mightily led by God to preserve the life of one of the greatest prophets in the Bible, Samuel. However, his own children’s characters needed to be prayed across the Iron Gate that led to the city. Many believers’ yokes have been broken yet they allow Herod to meet them inside the prison yard.

Herod did not spare any Christian or child of God, but they can fight effectively and win every battle outside the prison. Joseph must fight but that had to be outside the prison. Joseph can only care for his brethren and welcome them in Egypt for safety outside the Iron Gate. You cannot stay behind the bar and achieve God’s purpose for your life. There is no way he could become a prime minister while still behind the Iron Gate. His destiny had to pass through the Iron Gate. 

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It is true that God anointed David to be the King of Israel, but as long as Saul was still alive, he could not sit on the throne. He may kill one thousand Goliaths, but Saul must die before his kingship commences. His prayers must pass through the Iron Gate that led unto the city gate.

If you allow your Pharaoh to be alive, your Israel will not cross the red sea. If Elijah was not taken, Elisha must forget the crown of a double portion anointing. Jehoshaphat must go into the battlefield before his enemies would leave him alone. Your prayers must pass your destiny through the Iron Gate that leads into the city of God.

If Hezekiah refused to pray and break the yoke of death, he would have died fifteen years before his time. He needed to break the yoke of death and pray himself out of the prison through the gate that led into the city.

If you are born in sorrow, Jabez was also born in sorrow and poverty characterized his life and everybody in his family line. He prayed and broke the chains of sorrow and poverty. God enlarged his coast and blessed him indeed.

Peter would have died in prison but because of prayers of the saints, he crossed the first and second wardens and came into the Iron Gate that led into the city. If you pray the prayers in this book faithfully, plus the ones you are going to write down, your destiny will get into the city of God where every provision of life is stored.

Elijah prayed and fire came down from heaven. His prayers overcame the evil powers of hell. The powers of the aircould not stand hisprayers. His yokes were broken and abundant rain came.

The yoke of death was upon the children of Israel in the days of king Ahasuerus and Haman. Esther and Mordecai prayed and their prayers broke the yoke and the whole nation passed through the Iron Gate that led into the City.

What are the yokes of bondage holding you, your family and people around you? Write then down and plan on how to go into prayer assault against your enemy. You can pray like Mordecai and Esther. The prayers of Daniel conquered all his enemies, including the lions in the den. What has your prayer done to Satan?

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Prayers Against Hindering Forces

  1. Every satanic deposit in my life; be flushed out by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
  2. You that power controlling my destiny; my life is not your candidate, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Every satanic inspired sickness in my life; disappear, in the name of Jesus.
  4. I reject every property of Satan prepared for me, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Plantation of Satan; die in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Materials of Satan in my life; catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Lord Jesus, deliver me from every satanic power, in the name of Jesus.
  8. Anything in my life co-operating with Satan, die; in the name of Jesus.
  9. I come out from the yoke of Satan, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Satan; I speak total destruction unto you today, in the name of Jesus.
  11. Yoke of Satan in any area of my life; bum to ashes, in the name of Jesus.      
  12. Satan; lose your hold over my life, in the name of Jesus.
  13. My money with the strongman of Satan; be released, in the name of Jesus.
  14. I forbid Satan to kill me for any reason, in the name of Jesus.
  15. Satan; you are a liar; you cannot bring me down, in the name of Jesus.

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