Cursed people are constantly subjected to limitations and satanic attacks. They suffer premature death, hatred, and rejection. Some of them suffer from infertility, barrenness, prolonged pregnancies, or miscarriage.
The Sins of the Past
It is usually difficult for most people to forget about their past and the lives they lived there. Some hold on to it until it begins to influence their present and their future.
Effects of Sin Against Your Health
Sin has many consequences but the worst is separation from God, which is eternal death. It is possible to be alive physically on earth while you are dead before God spiritually. Sin is extremely deadly and dangerous. “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; That at that time ye were without […]
Victory Over the Power of Sin
Sin has a lot of power, which is why when you engage in it, It sinks its claws into you and darkens your understanding. It deceives the heart, renders you useless, and defiles the body.
Victory Over Sin
Sin, sickness, and diseases combined together are the greatest enemies of man on earth. Sin alone has defeated all humanity. Its powers alone can darken a man’s understanding, corrupt the heart, defile the conscience, and enslave man’s will.
What Is Besetting Sin?
A besetting sin follows and observes a person’s life to the end if it is not dealt with. It is a habitual sin, one which you may have been struggling with for a while.
The Sins of the Fathers
If your parents have served idols in the past or practiced witchcraft, divination, and enchantment and belonged to occult groups or witchcraft kingdoms, you need deliverance.
Sin: Are There Consequences?
The pleasures of sin are sweet but its consequences can be quite grave. Sin has a crippling effect in the life of a believer.
How Your Sins Can Destroy Your Children
The kind of relationship that exists between a husband and his wife defines the quality of defense their children get against satanic attacks.
The Secrets of the Secret
Have you ever met people like this? They’re clearly living in sin, reaping the rewards and for some reason, odds seem to be falling in their favour, and you wish to be like them?