Believers who know their God cannot fear the devil, but when you are not sure of God and do not have a good relationship with Him, the devil can easily put fear in your heart.

Believers who know their God cannot fear the devil, but when you are not sure of God and do not have a good relationship with Him, the devil can easily put fear in your heart.
Most people who enter ministry do not take God’s Word seriously and do not pray for God’s presence in their ministries. How could any ministry survive without prayers?
A lot of times, the need to be promoted turns into desperation, causing certain people to do things they would not do under normal circumstances. People who search for promotions through many other means do not receive true promotions.
No matter what you go through now or will ever go through, let your decision to serve God be uncompromised. It is better to die in pain, in poverty, or with the worst problem instead of bowing down to worship the devil.
The authority you have has no limits as a child of God. Everything living on earth and in the sea is to obey you, including non-living things. Whatever you say on earth is final, not what the devil says.
When people are wrongfully killed, their blood that was shed can cry from generation to generation until it is silenced by a higher blood. When Cain became angry with his brother Abel and killed him, Abel’s blood cried until the cries reached God and God responded. If you plead the blood of Jesus over any […]
Someone may check all the boxes and appear physically satisfactory and may even be very intelligent, but they lack the discipline, temperance, and selflessness that would enable the two of you to live in peace.
When a person believes something that is in line with God’s word, he should say it. The circumstances at that time may not be favorable, but that does not matter. It is a matter of time before they will all bow. Why? Because man is a superior creature. “And God said, let us make man […]
Besetting sin is the sin that hangs around a person, left and right. It is a sin that takes away people’s power to know what to do. Besetting sin is a sin at hand. It is a persisting tendency in the heart to do or desire what you are not supposed to do. It is […]
Adam was given authority over all other creatures when God created them. Adam was given the mandate by God to procreate, multiply, replenish, tame the planet, and rule over all living things. God afterwards added a wife to him in the garden. However, when Eve believed the devil’s falsehoods, the first issue on earth arose. […]