Turning your back on your marriage when you encounter marital issues and considering separating from your spouse is never the ideal solution, especially when God has provided the perfect solution for every problem on earth.
Dealing With Your Marital Problems
Have you ever wondered why marriage seems so challenging? Marriage requires that your goals, expectations, and aspirations be aligned with those of your partner. Occasionally, every family swims in troubled waters.
3 habits That Can destroy Your Marriage
It is not entirely possible that your partner will not offend you in the course of your marriage, no matter how holy they may be. Is this a reason to seek solace outside your marriage?
3 Enemies of Your Marriage
Some families do not manage their money wisely. They do not have any plan for the money that comes in. As a result, they spend nearly all of it and go as far as borrowing to make up for it.
Get Rid of Roadblocks in Your Marriage
We’ve established that marriage comes with it’s own challenges. As a result, the devil does not hesitate to fire shots at your marriage once he gets the chance. One of the most effective arrows that gets at marriages is disobedience to God’s Word. When your character counters God’s Word, you clear the way for devil’s […]
Peace the Pieces of Your Marriage!
The problem with so many people today is that they would prefer to run away from their problems often resorting to separation or even divorce rather than face them squarely.
Can I Really Get a Divorce?
So many husbands and wives cannot sit together to plan for the future of their families. They do not discuss their challenges, share their burdens or pray over them. A state of prayerlessness can ruin any family and cause an end of any marriage.
Courtship: Do’s and Don’ts
It does seem like the ‘okay’ time to do whatever you want, after all you’re both getting married so why wait?
A deviation from God’s Design for Marriage
Nicodemus, an esteemed ruler of the Jews and a prominent Pharisee, sought to meet with Jesus. He disclosed to Jesus the conclusions that the Pharisees had drawn about Him. Nicodemus affirmed that the Pharisees recognized Jesus as a teacher sent from God because of the many miracles He had performed. As a result, both those […]