Why Marriage Is a Covenant

While everyone desires to marry or be married, few people really take the time to study and understand the true meaning of the covenant of marriage.

Restoring Broken Homes

Families are the core of society. Families that break up cause society to experience a social and cultural collapse. When a family disintegrates, the children suffer.

On Your Wedding Day

Imagine you’re at your wedding, and you’re looking around, and suddenly you see Jesus at your wedding. How would you feel? Will you be sorrowful or joyful? Is the prince of peace, Jesus Christ, going to be comfortable at your wedding or will the events compel him to leave earlier? These are things you might […]

Comfort in a Christian Marriage

A lot of Christian homes lack comfort. Some husbands and wives find it very difficult to comfort themselves. Many have separated or divorced as a result.

Delays in Marriage

Marriage delays have raised concerns in society because of the pressure they put on young people who are ready to be married, particularly in the lives of women.

Unfaithfulness in Marriage

Many men have secretly impregnated their own daughters, sisters, sister-in-laws, etc. These terrible things take place every day, and nobody seems to be ready for that conversation.

Is Marriage a Covenant?

The beauty of every marriage is unending happiness and togetherness, and if you want this in your marriage, you have to first understand the covenant of marriage before going into it.

When Your Husband Hates You

Many women are on the receiving end of hate in their homes. It just so happens that your husband now appears to despise you as much as he did love you, and you have no idea why.

Troubled Waters in Your Marriage

Other times, when you give a place to the devil by permitting worldly lifestyles, criticisms, and a lack of love and affection, troubles are bound to rise in your marriage.

How to Solve a Marriage Problem

God will not fault you or your spouse for exhausting your marriage’s wine through willful mistakes, wrong choices, and sin. He already had prior knowledge of this, and this is why he equally created a way out of it.