One of the most beautiful things a newlywed couple could do during their honeymoon is to pray, study God’s Word, and seek His blueprint for their marriage. It is only God’s counsel that will stand.

One of the most beautiful things a newlywed couple could do during their honeymoon is to pray, study God’s Word, and seek His blueprint for their marriage. It is only God’s counsel that will stand.
The right partner for you will go to any length to marry you when you show your determination to do God’s will, which He has revealed to you.
Marriage between a born-again Christian and an unbeliever is a disaster, regardless of how much tongues that person speaks. It is risky to think that you can lead your partner to Christ after marriage.
Jesus demonstrated His love for us when He died on the cross of Calvary. This love was not abstract; instead, it was concrete. Therefore, the love that exists in your family must be concrete, not abstract.
Where there is true love in the family, there is no animosity, no struggle, no fighting, nothing but a perfect, glorious union. Love must be noticed at the very heart and center of Christian homes.
One of the deadliest weapons of witchcraft is the weapon of mismatch. The Devil is the worst and most desperate matchmaker. He wants you to make mistakes in your family, in your choice of marriage partner, in your businesses.
Similarly, separation may not necessarily be the best solution to the serious conflict you are facing in your marriage right now. is able to instruct you on a path to follow that will lead you to His goodness and mercies. You only have to listen and obey his instructions.
Today, in some churches in America and in other parts of the world, pastors, in the name of God, are bringing men and men together in marriage, contrary to the will of God.
No matter who is in charge, once a tradition contradicts the Word of God, reject and avoid it. Therefore, you must learn to scrutinize the traditions, rudiments, and philosophies involved in marriage, business, and families before you get involved. Otherwise, you may enter into collective bondage.
You cannot jump into life without due preparation and succeed. You must be a child before you become a man. You must serve others before others serve you.