Is God speaking to you?

You stumble into the kitchen while still having sleepy eyes, get a cup of coffee, and sit down. The images slowly come back, passing quickly through your memory in quick succession. It’s as though you were there. Like the taste of the dinner you had the previous evening, the feeling is still present and lingering. They seem to clarify your ideas from the day before and are strangely reasonable. It all feels too real.

People have been dreaming since Adam and Eve. In the scriptures, dreams have been the most common way God speaks, and it often occurs when one is sleeping. A lot of activities, both good and bad, go on while people sleep without their knowledge or their permission. The majority of the time, these things occur in our dreams while we are asleep as a result of a series of ideas, images, or feelings.

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You should understand that not all dreams come from God and not every waking thought comes from him. But how can you know that your dream is from God? God gives his children dreams to warn them of oncoming danger, to instruct them on what to do, and to reveal secrets of success. These dreams often point to the victim of God’s future plans, what to do to warn him of the dangers ahead, and what to do to prevent the evil plans of the devil and his agents.

God revealed His plans to Joseph by showing him what would happen in the future and how great he would be. God also warned the three wise men of the impending danger that would occur if they went back to Herod and instructed them on a different route to follow through a dream. 

Mary’s husband, in turn, took off into Egypt with his family as God had warned him of what would happen if he stayed. All of this happened through dreams! God must have spoken to other people in the Bible, but because they were spiritually deaf or their ability to recall their dreams failed them, they weren’t aware of the dangers ahead of them or heeded to His instructions. The same thing could be happening to you too.

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Dreams might occur as a result of current activities. For some people, it may manifest as an occasion or a message. It might also be perceived as an attack on the dreamer. It is common for you to wake up and, despite knowing that you had a dream, you are not able to recall it. However, as much as you should take your dreams seriously, they should not be more serious than the word of God. Be sure to check any dream, waking thought, or idea you have with the Word of God. The Word of God should be your yardstick for measurement; that is where your confidence lies.

Having God speak to you through dreams and even more so, reveal his plans for you is a beautiful thing. However not everyone has this privilege. How can you make this happen? For you to attract dreams from God, you must first of all have a relationship with him. Having a relationship with God gives you access to forewarnings. If God can speak to you and give you instructions, it means he can reveal his plans for your life to you.

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