Soaring Above Your Enemies

One of the most vital ingredients in a believer’s life is favor. People with divine favor are very dangerous to the enemy because they carry with them on their bodies red marks to stop their enemies. Favor can turn a bleak circumstance into a bed of roses. In the face of favor, those who always say no to you typically change their tone.

Divine unmerited favor has transformed many destinies and changed them from bad to good, good to better and better for best. God goes before people with divine favour, preparing their path. They are usually distinguished and often stand out among throngs of people.

When the favor of God manifests in a person’s life, suddenly his life changes; he will become generally accepted and chosen over every other competitor. It has the ability to tear down all barriers in his life and push down every evil wall of hindrance in an instance. The favor of God can give you victory and avenge you against your enemies. There is absolutely nothing that divine favor of God cannot do.

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In the beginning

With God’s favor, one waxes strong while his enemies grow weaker. God created heaven and earth and put a man, Adam, in charge of everything he created. He was given authority over the entire world with only one instruction; he was expected to trust and believe God absolutely without consideration. No negotiation, no agreement, no compromise whatsoever! He was to keep this simple, loveable and express divine instruction (Genesis 2:16, 17).

This is to show you that man (you) man found unmerited favor from God right from creation. But because Adam opened the door for God’s commandment to be questioned, he failed in his responsibilities. He also moved out of God’s presence and hid himself, refusing to repent. He was separated from God as a result of this.

With these, all men became guilty before God. But all hope is not lost. Wait a little while, confess your sins, ask God to forgive you of all your sins, and ask Jesus to come into your life to be your master and savior. Ask God to give you power to go and sin no more. And after this prayer, believe that God has saved you. Try and forsake every sin and live a holy life.

Have you been neglected, despised and ridiculed by people? Are you being attacked by household enemies and are suffering for righteousness sake? If you strongly desire to walk in the divine favour of God and be above your enemies who seek your downfall, here’s your chance. Surrender your life to God in prayers today and unlock your doors of unmerited favour.

Prayers for Unmerited Favor

  1. Anointing to be blessed above others, possess me now, in Jesus’ name.
  2. Oh Lord, anoint me with power to overcome all my enemies in life, in Jesus’ name.
  3. No matter what is happening to me now, all my enemies must bow, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  4. Anointing to be blessed above others, possess me now, in Jesus’ name.
  5. Any power that wants me to be under bondage, be frustrated, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Oh Lord, turn the evil plan of my household enemies has fashioned against me to divine elevation, in Jesus’ name.
  7. By the power in the blood of Jesus, those who look down on me now shall look up to me tomorrow, in Jesus’ name.
  8. Father Lord, let my enemies live to see what I will be in future, in the name of Jesus.
  9. I shall be the head and not the tail, in the name of Jesus
  10. Oh Lord, let my wings fly above my contemporaries, in the name of Jesus.

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