Unlocking Greatness in Your Divine Assignment

As a Christian, if you want to make progress in your divine assignment, you must be steadfast and committed to your divine assignment until the end. To achieve this, you must be born again and manifest the fruits of long suffering, which will lead you to greatness.

When you do these, you will make progress. You will live a gentle life and faithfully serve God with what He has blessed you with. Once you settle where God has called you, meekness of spirit and temperance will be your definition. Many need to prayerfully cast out the spirit of the vagabond and fugitive from their lives.

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You need to discover your place in life, know your divine assignment, and fearlessly fight residential powers. You need to discover the filthy prophetesses, the agents of defilement and destruction, and fight them in order to make progress (Job 17:9; Psalm 84:9).

When you have discovered your place and your divine assignment, the next battle is to establish a permanent relationship with God and His children. This will deliver you from evil associations and from agents of the devil. With that, you will be able to discover and reject the evil influence of the filthy prophetess, filthy people, and satanic agents.

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The victorious believers in Thyatira kept to God’s way and refused to be influenced and polluted by the filthy prophetess in their midst. They made progress, and God blessed the works of their hands. Some had their progress delayed, stopped, and attacked, but they never compromised. They kept their relationship with God and kept serving God. It was not easy for them to worship God in a place where the filthy prophetess ruled, but they persisted to the end.

However, one day, they gained strength, achieved victory, and began to make progress. They equally received deliverance, achieved greatness, and lived for Christ in the city of Thyatira. Their strength, prophecy, and deliverance came from God. You too can achieve this.

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