What You Should Know About Your Healing

To heal means to make something sound, whole, or to become more whole. It is to be restored to health, original purity, or integrity and to return to a sound state. Are you suffering from a terrible ailment, disease, or affliction but aren’t sure what to pray for or how to begin? Usually, when a medical doctor discovers someone’s sickness or a disease troubling him, he uses a substance prepared for the particular sickness to treat it or heal our bodies. So, medicine is the science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention of alleviation, or cure of disease.

Body healing from God is the condition of being physically fit and free from physical disease or pain. It brings the general condition of the body in good condition and causes the body to flourish in well-being. However, there are some diseases that are beyond the power of medicines.

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The Healing Covenant

The world today is filled with all manner of discovered and undiscovered viruses, sicknesses, and diseases. To live in a world filled and possessed by lots of problems, you have to enter into a covenant of healing to be in good health. The healing covenant enables a believer to live a healthy life and benefits his body, mind, and spirit.

Entering into healing covenant with God gives you access to divine health insurance against permanent loss through illness of any sort. Every believer has the right to enter into this healing covenant with God. To have access to healing insurance from God, you must be a citizen of heaven first. This simply means that you need to repent, confess and forsake your sins before you can qualify to enter into healing covenant with God.

Many Christians in various churches are dying of various kinds of sickness and diseases today because they fail to meet the conditions for their healing. God has no problem or difficulty in healing you or delivering you from any trouble. He keeps his own part of the covenant and can never allow His covenant child to die of any disease. Keep yours and He will heal you, keep you in health, bless you, multiply you, bless the works of your hands and keep you in peace. To enter into a healing covenant with God means abandoning yourself wholly to God. Once you do this, you will start enjoying the benefits and blessings of the covenant.

God’s Medicine

The power of God’s word cannot be overemphasized. God’s word is His will for you. Every command, promise, provision you see in the bible is God’s written will for you as a covenant child. When you enter into God’s covenant of healing, He uses His word to cure every disease. If God sends his word to your disease, they will bow. No matter how destructive your sickness may be, once God releases His word, you will be healed.

The word of God can be converted into God’s spirit to penetrate into the foundation of any sickness or disease and destroy it in a moment. Once God’s word enters into your life by faith, health will manifest in your flesh without hinderance. The word of God helps you also not to stumble into darkness, troubles and all manner of problems. As long as you study God’s word, hear it, and meditate on it, you will have an understanding of how to come out of your sickness and diseases.

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The Name of Christ

For the sake of God’s covenant children, God exalted Christ’s name and gave Him a name above all other names, whether sickness, disease, the devil, or any other name among the creatures. Things in heaven, on earth, and under the earth cannot stand against the name of Christ, and if you pray against your sickness, disease, or problem, they will cease to exist in your life. The followers of Christ tried it and it worked for them. Likewise, if you are a follower of Christ, it will work for you now.

As a sick person, troubled with any disease or in need, you need to call upon God, pray in the name of Christ Jesus and your problems will be over soon. If you can only repent, confess your sins, forsake them, and believe in Christ’s name, you will be healed. You can do greater deeds than Christ did.

Whatsoever you can ask in Christ’s name shall be given to you by God, it is a promise.

More importantly

As a covenant child, you have the right to be healed because it is God’s will for you, but it is not enough, you have to ask. Following Christ without letting Him know your need may deny you of the manifestation of God’s blessings. Many sick people were following Christ but never got healed. They had the right to be healed but they never asked for it. The leper was healed because he asked!

So even as a covenant child of God, you have to start asking. When you know your right and can pray, you can live on this earth as if you are living in heaven. This is because you belong to heavenly family and can enjoy part of heaven’s benefits.

If you have been afraid of asking Jesus to heal you, do not be afraid again. He is naturally good at doing good things. Jesus can deliver you at the point of death, free you from bondage, destroy your barrenness, calm your storms, destroy your infirmities, and walk you out of every darkness. Ask him to have mercy upon you today because healing is the mercy of God in action. 

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