The Exceeding riches of His Grace

The exceeding riches of His Grace

There is a level of God’s grace which is the EXCEEDING RICHES OF HIS GRACE. God’s kindness towards us gives all grace to every believer who thirsts and earnestly asks through Christ.

From exceeding riches of His grace, He gives MORE GRACE to the humble believer who returns all the glory to Him. But the proud believer is denied the grace they already have or is limited to operating with the initial level of grace he already has.

What is expected of believers who desire to receive ‘all grace’ from God?

Believers who are extremely humble and keep pressing on can receive ALL GRACE from God the Father and Christ His Son. God is waiting for you to ask for more of His grace, and if you persevere in your asking, you will receive it.

Therefore, the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him. For a people shall dwell in Zion, in Jerusalem; you shall weep no more. He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry. As soon as he hears it, he answers you. O Lord, be gracious to us; we wait for you. Be our arm every morning, our salvation in the time of trouble“. Isaiah 30:18, 19; 33:2

The dividends of God’s grace expounded

When you obtain God’s grace, He will exalt Himself in you, show Himself to you and manifest His power through you. His mercy will also reign in your life and extend to others as well. Through you, God will reverse all injustice against the people of God. He will overthrow the activities of evil men and all agents of the devil.

In our churches today and the entire world, people are suffering from the judgment passed on them by the devil and their agents. When you receive all grace, God will reverse all these evil judgments through you. God’s grace and mercy will overthrow satanic activities in the church and the world at large.  God’s will is not for believers to run after a few gifted people in search of help. His perfect will is for every believer to remain close to Him, waiting on Him for more grace for the assignment given to each one.

When the grace of God comes, people will return to their place, Jerusalem, and destiny. If not for the mercy of God, many organs of our body will go into captivity. Weeping will continue without God’s grace but in the presence of divine grace, weeping is terminated. In the presence of divine mercy, weeping is confronted and conquered by God’s grace because God is gracious. The cry of those who received divine grace attracts answers from God.

What different levels of grace is a believer entitled to ask for?

Believers are entitled to ask for all-sufficient grace, more grace, great grace, manifold grace, abundant grace, exceeding grace, and exceeding abundant grace (Ephesians 2:8; James 4:6; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Acts 4:33; 1 Peter 4:10; 2 Corinthians 4:15; 9:14; 1 Timothy 1:4). In the time of trouble, grace manifests to terminate any level of trouble.

God’s grace is waiting for someone to use and if He finds you today, He will reverse the devil’s judgment in the lives of people through you.

You are the most handsome of the sons of men; grace is poured upon your lips; therefore, God has blessed you forever“. Psalms 45:2

But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift”. Ephesians 4:7

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