Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart. I will send him unto you. John 16:7
Help is the assistance provided to someone who is less privileged or in need of help. Help can come in different ways like spiritually, emotionally, financially, and so on. Help is important because it is used to relieve burden, provide comfort, foster growth and build relationship.
From our Bible text we can see that the Holy Spirit is our help. He came to relieve burden, to comfort us, to guide. The Holy Spirit is the promise and a gift from the father to us and it is so heartbreaking that some Christians don’t activate the presence of the Holy Spirit in us.
The presence of the Holy Spirit in us is not for decoration but He was sent to us for a reason and one of which is to help us. When we talk about help we are saying the Holy Spirit will help us to make right decisions, He will help us have a fruitful journey, He will help guide our path in the journey of life.
A life without the guidance of the Holy Spirit will be burdensome and limited. Even when we become weary and tired He is there to empower us and strengthen us from within but this can’t be possible without we activating the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
How do we activate the presence of the Holy Spirit
- Make it a lifestyle to study the word of God daily: From the word of God we receive clarity and light. There is nothing we or anyone is going through that the people in the Bible days has not gone through. So, make it a duty to study the word of God and allow the Holy Spirit minister to you.
- Live a life of obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit: Like I have earlier said the Holy Spirit can be silence when we repeatedly ignore and disobey His voice.
- Make holiness your lifestyle: Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Hebrews 12:14. The Holy Spirit can not stay in an unholy vessel.
- Lastly pray more in the spirit, by praying in the spirit the presence of the Holy Spirit is activated in us by so doing we are creating intimacy with the Holy Spirit. As Christians we should take advantage of the presence of the Holy Spirit in us so that He will help us run this race and finish well.