The Power of Faith in Speaking God’s Word

The Voice of Faith in Creation

God believes in his word, and he said it out aloud. We have to say it out loud before any opposing circumstances. This world we are now in that has lasted for many years came into existence by the voice of faith spoken by God. Everything we can see today is too small when compared to the ones we cannot see. All of them came by the spoken word of God.

“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”

(Hebrew 11:3).

Noah believed the word of God about the destruction of the world of his days and he spoke to people concerning it. Even though at that time nothing in the world physically shows that it was going to happen. The civilization of those days was so great and the scientists never believed or imagined it possible, but Noah believed and said it. In our today’s world, it takes faith to believe that one day the whole world will come to an end. But because the scripture has said it, it must take place no matter what the civilized or developed nations are saying. Believers who believe God’s word are preaching concerning the end of this world. Many preachers are not preaching it. Some do not believe it, but it is a reality. So, faith is saying what you believe. When you say it, you prepare for its manifestation.

When you say that you are a rich man, prepare for it. When you say that you will not die, prepare for a long life. When you say that you must get married, no matter your age, prepare to get married. When you say that you are not barren, prepare to have your baby. That was what NOAH did and it was counted for him for righteousness and he became a man of faith. You too can believe, say what you believe, and prepare for its manifestation.

“By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.”

(Hebrew 11:7).

Man is the crown of creation, so as a result, even nature should obey us when we speak.

Faith is believing the word of God, and when you believe the word of God and say it out loud, it becomes the voice of faith. Abraham heard the word of God and believed it. He said it out and put it into action. He had nothing when he started believing God. He prepared for a journey of faith and people asked him, Abraham, “Where are you going?” He spoke out loud and told them that he is going to where God will make him a great nation; a place of blessing where he would be a blessing. Looking at Abraham, at that time nobody believed him. They must have made a jest of him, ridiculing and mocking him, but he believed God and said it out loud. He told everybody he could tell and moved out by faith to become great. That was the beginning of the story of a father of many nations.

Faith in Action: Examples from the Patriarchs

Jacob physically was very weak to the extent that the scripture addressed him as worm without bone, meaning little strength. The success that he made in life only came by faith. He believed and he said those things he believed out, and it happened as he said them. People may look at you, shake their heads and say, “This one cannot make it; no life, no certificate, no hope, and no helper.” But you can believe God and say it out loud in words and action that you can make it.

When Jacob was dying and life had almost left him, he remembered that he believed that God can bless Joseph’s sons even though they were born in Egypt. What did he do? At that dying moment with very little strength, he said out what he believed, supporting his departing strength upon a staff. So even at the point of death, under a hopeless situation, amid doctor’s negative reports, you can still say what you believe and it will take place.

“By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.”

(Hebrew 11:21).

Nothing is too late before faith if you can believe and say it out. The faith of Joseph is a bit more powerful than that of his father. There were certain things he believed about God. Probably out of his busy schedule in Egypt as governor and second in command, he could not say them.

Faith Beyond Life: The Legacy of Joseph

At his old age, in his dying bed, professional doctors may have been around him. This learned, seasoned and recognized professionals examined him and confirmed him dead but his faith was alive. The faith of a man does not die with him when God is involved. The only thing that survives a dead man is his faith. A man’s faith walks back from the tomb with the mourners and refuses to be buried. Joseph believed that God will take away the children of Israel from Egypt. He believed it but he could not say it on time. Before he said it, he was confirmed dead. But faith is not a respecter of death. Faith does not mind the reports that contradict the words of God. Faith does not respect impossibility. The greatest enemy of faith is an impossibility or hopeless situation.

Faith can enter into the grave to disgrace impossibility. Faith can enter into the womb of a barren woman and create a womb to silence the voice of evil medical reports. Faith can destroy all manner of sickness and diseases. Faith can cast out demons. Faith can destroy blindness and create new eyes. Jesus Christ by faith said, destroy this temple and I will build it after three days. That word confronted the powers of the grave and scattered the Roman soldiers assigned to prevent him from leaving the grave.

Prayers against Evil Foundation

  1. Every evil character that has arrested my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Blood of Jesus, flow into my foundation and deliver me, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Angels of the living God, arise and deliver my foundation from devil, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Any power that has refused to set my foundation free, die, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Holy Ghost fire, purge my life of evil deposits, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Let my breakthrough begin to manifest, in the name of Jesus.
  7. O Lord, visit my foundation and deliver me from destruction, in the name of Jesus.
  8. Lion of Judah, destroy every fake lion in my foundation, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Every demonic worm that is in my root, come out and die, in the name of Jesus.
  10. My foundation, receive fire, in the name of Jesus.

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