The Unchangeable and All-Knowing God: Perfect Knowledge and Immutability.

God’s Perfect Knowledge

One of the attributes of God is “PERFECT IN KNOWLEDGE,” meaning that He knows everything before it becomes known. He telleth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names (Psalms 147:4; 94:9-11).

The best professors of mathematics, accountants, and all those trained in understanding numbers cannot count the stars in the heavens. But in split seconds, God can count them and call them by names because He created them, and they report to Him daily. You may be deficient in hearing, but the Creator doesn’t experience failure in hearing. In His perfect knowledge, He hears the faintest words.

God Knows All Thoughts and Secrets

He knows your thoughts before you start thinking about them and can discern your imagination. All the ears of all creatures put together are not functional when compared with God’s hearing ability. His eyes can see beyond the darkest realm because darkness is like a light before Him. He created knowledge, which He gave to men, so no knowledge can be hidden from Him. All knowledge, negative or positive, reports to God, who owns it ever before it resumes operation. The acclaimed owners of knowledge are not the rightful owners and cannot serve them without getting approval from the Creator. To retain God’s knowledge and benefit from it without failure, you must acknowledge the Creator and serve Him through the Lord Jesus (Luke 16:15). You may hide your true character from people, but not from God.

God’s Knowledge of Every Path

God knows your down-sitting, your uprising, and your thoughts even before they come to you. Any path you take in life—where you go or where you will ever be—is known by God. Everything that is called human knowledge, gathered together, can be pocketed by God without stress. The so-called wise people who have no reference to God through Christ are regarded as foolish before God. If you wish to discover any secret, you can ask, seek, and knock through waiting on God. God knows where all earthly secrets are hiding now. All impossibilities are without any clue because their secrets have not been exposed by God (Hebrews 4:13).

The Power of God’s Knowledge over Evil

Ebola, Covid-19, and all incurable diseases still thrive because their secrets are yet to be discovered. The devil and his agents have secrets that empower them to do evil, but only God knows those secrets. This means that if you join us to wait on God in prayer, you can discover the secrets behind your problems. Once the secret behind any problem is discovered, their strength collapses and dies (John 4:25, 28-30, 42).

The Woman of Samaria’s Conviction

The woman of Samaria may know nothing about science, but she knew something very important. She said that she was convinced that once the Messiah comes, He will reveal all things to her. That conviction kept her alive and strong until the day she met Christ, and she was not disappointed. The day she met Christ, she left her water pot, entered the city, and announced the coming of Christ. In her own words, she said, “Come, see a man which told me all things that I ever did: is not this the Christ?” Those who will meet Christ in this program will discover how to solve their problems. Christ will tell them all that they need to know that will set them free and give them full deliverance.

God’s Immutability: The Unchanging One

The next in my list of God’s attributes is “IMMUTABILITY,” which means that God’s nature is absolutely unchangeable (Exodus 3:14; Hebrews 1:12). When God told Moses that His name is “I AM THAT I AM,” He was emphasizing the immutability of His name as being unchangeable. In the nature of God, there’s nothing like age; He remains the same, day after day and year after year. This present heaven and earth will one day wax old as a garment and pass away, but God remains the same (Psalms 90:2; 102:24-27).

God’s Eternal Nature

All the old people and things you see around you were once very young and tender. The young, vibrant youths you are seeing now will one day become old and die because they are all given to change, but God’s nature doesn’t change. From everlasting to everlasting, God can never change. He is the same unchangeable God throughout all generations. The foundation of the earth and all other creatures, with no exception, will get old, but God will not. The power that will make them old is of the Lord and in His control (Malachi 3:6; John 1:17).

God’s Endless Existence

Whatever had a beginning will eventually come to an end, but our God is endless; He can end all and remain unending. If you want to last long, fulfill your destiny on earth, and live eternally with the unending God, it’s possible. What you need to do is to identify yourself with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, the sons of Jacob identified with God, and up till now, they are not consumed. There’s a life called eternal life, preserved by God through Christ for all who will repent and remain loyal to Him till death. This is called, in the New Testament, grace and truth, which came by Jesus Christ and can only be obtained through Him.

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